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buying a tuscan... how reliable?


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I've been reading the forums these days as i am looking to buy a tuscan, and need some good samaritans guiding/opinions smile.gif

I recently sold my R34 GTR and have the appropriate cash to go for a used tuscan or T350. My dream is a 2002 Tuscan S in moonraker black ECLIPSe.gif a hell of a car im sure u would agree

So i've heard that it needs the service every 6K but thats not too bad as i had my skyline's oil service every 3. How come the TVR's services are so coslty? would i be able to find someone to do this abroad?(ill be shipping the car to cyprus for the summer) or would i just have the service done here and not do over 6k when it is abroad?

Also, how unreliable are they? the 2002 tuscan s i mean... in what terms are they unreliable? engine? clutch?

the build quality doesnt affect me... a few squeaks wont ruin my day. the drifting will put the smile on my face jump.gif

So, please give me an insight on their reliability, what they do at their services and your opinions on the purchase...

thanks everyone, and hi again

p.s. heres the skyline i recently departed with

i know iknow, ull go on with the electronics and [censored]:) Dont worry, i used to have an rx7. A limited slip differential is more than enough:)


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Nice to feel welcome...

lots of pics, i could email some to u if u want, cos from what i see from the forum its only one at a time.

I was out tonight with a friend, and he told me that the owner of gatwick tvr lives in the flat next to his. The opinions of people who own or owned one is priceless i think.

Im from Cyprus, come to london regularly for work. I'll be here till june probably. Most people in the forum are from the uk i guess?


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Most ppl are from the UK but that's only 85%, we've got ppl from the states, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Norway, Australia, ...

Lagoo often goes to Gribraltar (he used to live there)

so there's bound to be another person from Cypris,

and I'm into scooby's at the moment, was into porkers a few months ago, but actually i'm into everything that has an engine stuck to it, your typical carnutter!!!!

Ok gotta go now, i'm heading to the nurburgring today


(the toll-road-racetrack in Germany)

I'm sure Bison and Lagoo will pop in this weekend to help you with your question

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hey simon, thanx man... ill try that

I was speaking to this guy who owns a griffith the other day, dont know if he was trying to act smart openfire.gif and say that he knew it all, but he got me concerned on one thing.

He said that the 3.6 tuscan engine is ok in tvr's reliability terms, but that the 4 liter engine on the tuscan S is going to have me at the mechanic's 2 weeks out of the 4 a month. I mean come on! how bad could it be? i know the servicing is expensive but for what you get, its a F*^&$ing good deal beerchug.gif

sooo... anyone can enlighten me with theirs or their friends experiences?


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Hi Buzy,

Sorry for the delay in replying! I had a 4.0l Tuscan RR which is equal to a Tuscan S in performance but didnt have the front and rear diffusers on! All tuscans originally came with a 4.0l engine and then they reduced it to 3.6l, what for i am not sure but it may of been reliability.

The Speed six engine (4.0 & 3.6 ) was TVR first engine ( used Rover V8 in the past ) so as you can expect they had reliability issues, but this was down to defective parts, one being the shims which where being made or a too soft a metal and then there where the finger follower issue which did lead to quite a few UHOH7.GIF rebuilds ( of which i had one ). These problems seem to have been ironed out and a car made after 2002 should have had all the upgrades performed at the factory!

In the year that i had it the car was off the road for 6weeks, 3 for the rebuild, 2 for the clutch (@22k) and 1week for the BIG service!

I dont think you can get the car serviced outside of the UK ( think you can in Germany now) so that may be your biggest issue frown.gif but if you went for an older V8 then you could most probably get your local mechanic to work on it beerchug.gif

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hi buzy and welcome

sorry mate no info on the tuscan from me, except that i think that if your after proper 'grunt' then theres little else better

reason for post was to say that was one mean looking r34, in the second pics, the front lip looks likes its touching the floor!

do you have any side on pics?

cheeRS max

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Thanks ppl, i was very happy with it too...

now about the raw stuff, no more semi cooked:) ant more opinion on reliability and maintenance? i mean, what could go bad? electronics? i can get that fixed easily... fuel pump? timing belt/chain?

thanks... its different in terms of beauty and purebreed... pengy.gif

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