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Just wondered why this forum was so quiet!

There are plenty of nice French cars out there! Who is driving them? ECLIPSe.gif

Anyway, anyone heard much about the new 107? Ive heard its going to be mini-mpv like with a sliding door NONO3.GIF. Please tell me otherwise!

I was hoping for a storming 107 GTi to be made!


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I have a 306 1.6 XS........ but there isn't really alot to say about it apart from the fact that it keeps getting used as a stopping device/parking aid for people....

have had more knocks and scrapes with the pug than i ever did with R3HEP.....

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i'm an ex-saxo owner but it had to go cos the build quality was so aweful. Was a shame though cos it was a real joy to drive. Thats one thing i can say about the french; they do know how to make a good handling car. I had a go in my mates 206gti at the weekend and it too was far more fun than my S3 in the handling department.

here's a piccy of my old saxo smlove2.gif


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Well I'm also an Ex French driver!! My last car was a 306 GTI-6 (and a Renault 19 16v before that). I changed to German due to build quality too!! Also both my previous cars suffered from head gasket issues so I was getting parnoid it was me..or French cars!! suicide.gif

My 306 for a great car, despite the fact it was always going wrong!! Saying that I'd take my S3 over it anyday!! Pic attached (with the old kerbed allows before I changed them)


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The GTI-6 does look fantastic in black. notworthy.gif When I change my car, I would have considered the GTI-6, but like you guys have said, the cars lack the build quality.

My 306 has excellent handling (grip, brakes, power, responsiveness) and my 106 before that did too. Most peugeots and (some) citreons are very good looking cars, it’s just a shame the parts weren’t posted to germany to be put together.

Oh well, I shall enjoy it till I change my car to one from a manufacturer further east.


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What was R3HEP then colin?


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not the most up to date pics of her but here she is....


got a few better shots at home... wil update later...

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She's got to be one of the nicest A3's on the road in my humblest of opinions beerchug.gif

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cheers dude... but unfortunately she's gone now.... but i did smlove2.gif that car......... will post better pic tonight!

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Yep When I was looking at buying a GTI-6 it HAD to be black...likewise with the guy who bought it off me!! It had the Clifford remote start system on it too, I love my gadgets notworthy.gif

I found the 306 had good brakes/performance/handling, yet I could make it understeer very easily, maybe I should of had better tyres?? When I test drove the S3 the Handling was sooo much better!! When I jumped back in my own car to drive home I kept waiting for the push of the turbo...but it never came!! ROLLEY~14.GIF

To date the S3 is the best car I've owned, and thats not taking into account any repair bill comparisons!!

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The S3 does sound like a nice car. Im the same with gadgets and have the Clifford remote start too!

See here:

Remote Start in 306


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notworthy.gif Even had a similar stereo to you!! Mine was a sony, can't remember exactly what it was, but the whole face was the screen, then you could flip it round to have a normal face.

With the remote start I loved starting it up just as someone was walking past, you could be no where near it the range was so good. The best one was when this women actually stopped walking and just stood there looking at the car, she just didn't know what to think yelrotflmao.gif

Of course it was great for those winter mornings too!!

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What was R3HEP then colin?


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not the most up to date pics of her but here she is....


got a few better shots at home... wil update later...

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She's got to be one of the nicest A3's on the road in my humblest of opinions beerchug.gif

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cheers dude... but unfortunately she's gone now.... but i did smlove2.gif that car......... will post better pic tonight!

[/ QUOTE ]

not relevant to the french forum but for those interested...


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I used to have a French car a long time ago...

A Peageot 309 Poverty, I mean, Style UHOH7.GIF

Seriously basic car with a 1.3 litre engine. I kept finding little bits of plastic trim on the floor that didn't seem to go anywhere. Had quite a collection of them by the end...

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