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R32 Alarm Beep & RCL


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Just received VAG-COM stuff:

I am trying to set my R32 to beep when i lock/unlock the car with the keyfob. Does anyone know how i would go about this?

Additionally, could anyone tell me how i would go about changing the settings so that i only have to press unlock on the keyfob once to unlock all doors because at present, I have to press unlock once to open the drivers door and a second time to open the passenger door.


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I copied this so that I can take it to the stealers next time i am in....let me know if it works or if you can follow it!!


[46 - Cent. Conv.] (35 - Cent. Locking for manual window cars)

[Adaptation - 10]

Channel (03..08)

Adaptation Value (1 = on, 0 = off)


Channel 03 Auto Lock (auto locks car after 10mpg_

Channel 04 Auto Unlock (unlock the car when u take the key out)

Channel 05 Unlock, horn sounds (not a horn, more like a beep when u unlock)

Channel 06 Lock, horn sounds (same as above only other way around)

Channel 07 Unlock, turn signals flash (easy)

Channel 08 Lock, turn signals flash (easy)

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spot on there Geo!

once you've gone into the individual controller and select 'adaptation', you can just cycle through the individual settings and it will actually display with real words when things are on and off. Words are found at the top of the screen along with the description of the thing you're changing.


stuff like that. Pretty easy when you tinker with it. Mine keep flagging the same error code all the time so i'm now a dab hand at the VAG-COM for the easy stuff!!

Fifty - don't forget to EXCLUDE the airbags if you do a Auto Scan to look for codes and don't be alarmed if you can't read all the individual controllers. Mine doesn't either!


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im still a bit pissed tbh, i ordered a serial VAG-COM cable thinking my laptop had a serial but it turns out its a serial for an external monitor so i bought a serial>usb adapter and that didnt work so i took my desktop out to the car and that didnt work either, long story.

i thought i would save myself £100 by gettin serial instead of usb but now i wish i had paid the extra.

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too late now mate, ordered a USB replacement weeks ago and its still not here. the place who despatch them for vag-com.co.uk were awaiting stock. it wasnt too much of a big deal cos i couldnt use the R anyway but i always like receiving new toys to play with.

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