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Meguiar's Microfibre Drying Towel


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This is another new product from Meguiars, which I bought largely through word-of-mouth that it was an effective method of drying the car after washing.

At £14.99, it's not cheap, so what do you get for your money?

Well, when I hear the word "microfibre", I tend to think of those fleece-like material dusters which attract the dust using static electricity, so I was skeptical that it would pick up any water at all. What you actually get, though, is a roughly 2ft x 1ft (60x30cm for those of you of the metric persuasion) rectangle of a material that, well, reminds me of a dishcloth. I t has a "waffle" type finish to it similar to some dishcloths or teatowels. The cloth arrives packaged in a nice plastic tubular container which is a handy place to store the cloth (when it's dry) to prevent it picking up dust & dirt between uses.

So how did it perform ?

Well, the box claims that it is more effective than real or artificial chamois. Having used many of the former and currently using the latter, I was hopeful that this indeed would be the end to water streaks left on the car during drying.

I washed the car, then rinsed it with a trickle of water to allow as much as possible to bead-up and run off the car before drying - no easy tak with my hosepipe, believe me! Then I took the cloth from its container and folded it into a rough square and wiped.

To say this cloth is absorbent is a bit of an understatement. When dry, it seems more than capable of soaking up a small lake! With 3 wipes on either side of the roof of my car, it was dry. And I don't mean dry-ish, as it is with the chamois, but dry - all water gone!! What a marvel. With some judicious folding, I managed to dry around two thirds of the car before the cloth became wet.

For me, this is where the problems started. I just couldn't wring enough water out of the cloth to get it dry enough to prevent streaking. Certainly, it's performance at this stage was on a par, if not slightly below my fake chamois.

However, after a few minutes of bunched muscles, I found that if the cloth is folded into a smallish square of approx 6-8" and then rolled up - as if you were putting it back into the box, it became much easier to squeeze out enough water to have some semblence of a dry feeling in the cloth. Be warned, though, that you still need the vulcan death grip and muscles of steel to get a significant amount of water out of it - it's definitely not for the delicate!

Once I'd succeeded in wringing out a substantial amount of water, the drying cloth performed much better than it had been when wet. Probably only slightly better than the chamois, but better enough to make it worthwhile using.

Although the cloth can be machine washed, I simply rinsed it in hot water after use and then hung up to dry naturally.

In summary, I would say that the Microfibre Drying Towel is well worth the investment when you next come to replace your chamois. When dry it is a fantastic absorber of water, and if you manage to wring it out effectively, it performs more than adequately when wet too. I'll certainly be using it instead of the chamois in the future and feel comfortable in recommending it if you hate those streaks that your chamois leaves behind when the car's bodywork is cold - as it was for me yesterday.

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  • 1 month later...

Used mine today.

have to admit i was sceptical. Synthetic chamois i have used in the past have been useless.

does exactly as claimed, it makes drying a doddle. cool.gif and damn quick too.

do need arms like a Gorilla to wring it out tho!

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  • 3 weeks later...



Really good product but flippin expensive I think... if you check the American website, the same cloth is being sold at $9.99...Nonetheless ...Buy it..its that good.. smashfreakB.gif

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Tony - you are such a tight wad.......... SAUER0421.GIF

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I never even realised Pete... yelrotflmao.gif Still flippin expensive.. yelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gif

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  • 3 months later...

Used mine for the first time the other day and all i can say is "it does exactly what it syas on the tin" jump.gif

but i didnt find it as hard as most of you have made out when wringing(sp) it, but i do have fairly big arms and shoulders from playing rugby sportifs2.gif

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