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Audi TT 3.2 V6 DSG Quattro Roadster


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A quick review on the longest named car in the Audi range.

I went to the dealer to see about my driver’s side wiper, which is skipping again. They had no car to give me to do some work I had to do, so I chibbed up the salesman for a test drive of anything. He then handed me the keys to the afore mentioned car, and what a long time that small job I had to do ended up taking!

After an initial quick familiarisation with the DSG box, I was on my way. The first thing I noticed, as a none cab driver, was the extra wind noise with the hood up. (Bit sad it was raining) But this was soon over come when I floored the throttle and got the V6 to raise its voice. The power is more than enough to push you firmly into the seat back and in full auto mode the shifts are executed quickly without even a hint of hesitation.

After a quick blast along the dual carriageway, to get used to no clutch and changing gear with my fingers. I took her onto a nice “private” B-class road and opened her up. The signals your brain has to deal with when you are not used to an auto box are doubly complicated at 3 figure speeds, and boy was I glad of the brakes that pulled you up sharply whenever you needed.

Not to far along the road I caught up with a Mercedes SL600, and now I know that that car can munch motorways, but when he caught a look of me in the rear-view and floored it, on the twist’s I was hanging off his rear bumper like wedding day tin cans!

So to sum up, I had a great hour and a bit with the TT, and would defiantly recommend the DSG to anyone fortunate enough to be able to afford a 3.2 car, as I had previously driven a manual A3 3.2 and found the changes quite difficult clunky.


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No.. I realise that you didn't 'hate' it.. but also knew that you prefer the manual... sorry if it came over that way.

i have heard of more than a few DSG gearboxes having to have been replaced.. so far, touch wood, mine is fine..

but i do agree with scotty that it does limit what you can have done to improve performance.. I am a little underwhelemed with the 250bhp now.. if it was possible I would be looking for a minimum of 300bhp!!

I am still hoping for an S3 or RS3 in the next few years ECLIPSe.gif, else I'm off for a new M3 or 55 merc

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blush.gif over reaction on my part - you actually didn't imply I hated it. crazy.gif Sorry mate!

There was a few DSG boxes replaced early on. Apparently the castings weren't being cleaned out properly and this was causin a problem. Since it's been identified and eliminated I don't think there's many issues.

I've heard people complain about a hesitancy in some occasional situations. I spotted that in my test drives over a year ago but I guess it's just down to if you want a manual or an auto...err I mean an automated manual wink.gif

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I know Scotty will disagree, but I'm a massive fan of the DSG..

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Not at all. I've praised it highly for what it does.

I'm surprised you thought I hated it!!

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No.. I realise that you didn't 'hate' it.. but also knew that you prefer the manual... sorry if it came over that way.

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over reaction on my part - you actually didn't imply I hated it.

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So you guys sorted out your differences then? You're both apologising to each other while saying to the other don't apologise.

Ah man people here are just so damm nice notworthy.gifyelrotflmao.gif

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I find the handling in mine to be a bit 'soggy' to be honest. When i say soggy, i don't mean it is, just that it seems to be compared to the Golf!

It's definately an improvement over the 225 i had previously though.

The Audi engine definately seems to have more grunt than the VW one though!

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