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PBR/Axxis Ultimate Ceramic


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I don't know about the Audi but generally EBC Greens are designed to replace standard pads. In my experience on other cars they work better than standard pads, are far cheaper but don't last too well and overheat is driven hard. They do have a lower operating temperature so work from cold better than harder, higher temp pads. Red stuff are generally harder pads with a higher operating temperature but don't work aswell from cold. I have found that EBC are, whilst a good pad, rarely are the best pad for any given solution. Also, anyone who says Greenstuff don't produce dirty wheels are simply not braking hard enough, they are awful for dust.

The S8 is a huge fat car to stop to ultimately the braking efficiency will work better with hotter pads but at the price of poor low-temp operation, maybe extra noise and probably increased disc wear. I don't know if boiling the brake fluid is a problem on the S8 but the pedal does feel mushy on mine but I am used to unassisted race brakes on a 700kg track car so I can't really offer any advice. I have heard great things about PBR and also Pagid (which is what I run on my Lotus) but they are noisy, expensive and need a damn good prod to get them up to working temp.

Also, does the S8 run braided/solid lines from the master cyl to the calipers? Also, how does the ESP/ABS/Quattro system cope with differing braking efficiencies front to rear. It;s commkon practice to vary the friction levels front to rear to balance the car under brakes etc...

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Also, anyone who says Greenstuff don't produce dirty wheels are simply not braking hard enough, they are awful for dust.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, that's what the sales rep said: they're not really performance brakes but *alledgedly* give less brake dust. I never used them....

As the - original - title of the thread suggests, I was looking for Axxis/PBR/Bendix Ultimate Ceramics, but I can't source them. mad.gif Their site is crap and their mail system doesn't work. The suppliers I found are out of stock, and the one online vendor that has them can't be bothered to reply. (ecstuning.com) slap.gif

Pagid and Ferodo DS2500 are said to be good, but noisy - however opinions on the noise vary from one extreme to the other...

I wasn't too keen on EBC, but apparently the NEW Redstuff are quite good, and very different from the previous Reds. Haven't heard 'live' feedback from anyone I know tho.

Interesting you say that about varying the brake bias, we were just discussing that. It was suggested (by Randy) the S8 could do with a bit more friction on the rear brake pads...

Re "Mushy"; apparently the brake cylinder on some cars tend to move quite a bit under heavy brake pressure. Seat someone in your car, and have them apply the brakes firmly. Look under the hood and see if the master cylinder moves. If so, you may need "The Block" (© Randy).

<ul type="square"> 237135-theblock%20%28Small%29.jpg

The S8 has no braided lines, but the OEM lines are said to be rather good. (It was said replacing them wouldn't do much good).


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Just so you know, you can always link pictures from audipages to anywhere you'd like, especially here. That's what they are there for!

Here's the tool:



The rear piston has to be screwed back into the caliper while pushing on it, this is what the tools does.

I didn't get one until a year or two ago.....why didn't I? Because I'm not smart enough!! Now it's so easy to do a brake job!


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I have mates running PBR pads so I will ask them about a set for the S8 and see if I can borrow/blag a set to try. They are more biased towards braking performance than "comfort/ease of use/noise" than Mintex/EBC/Ferodo road pads but the car is so quiet anyway would you really worry about some "graunching" on initial application in return for better stoppers. What worries me is that after driving hard and stopping you can smell the brakes close to combustion point and the pedal does get very mushy which suggests either the bracket/mountings are overheating or the fluid is boiling(good point Sven, cheap pressed steel brackets can go maleable when subected to heat, the Elise shares it's reserv between brakes and clutch and I can lose the clutch when the brakes heat up and the law of diminishing returns kicks in)

I am suprised that braided line don't help, saves "over-pressuring" the system by increasing the feel. Maybe won't improve the braking but *should* improve the "feel" from the left pedal I guess...

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Well Feck me mad.gif Just typed an extensive reply and my browser crashes. Arrgh! sportifs2.gif

Ahem. Had to get that off my chest. Where were we...

I'd be very interested to hear about the availability of PBR pads for the S8. ECS finally replied (within 5 mins. of my question about them apparently not being interested in international business), but unfortunately just to say they have only OEM pads for the S8. Well, I got those...

I don't mind some graunching, as long as it doesn't get to where people are looking at me like "a car like that but no money for new pads".

My brakes don't fade or feel mushy, but they do get hot, and after a spirited drive you can smell them when you get out. Can't say it smells too much like hot fluid tho... But I hope the new pads may help direct the heat in the right direction (away from the calipers).

Braided lines; I haven't tried them on the S8, so I can't compare. But it is said the S8 brake lines are very good, so the difference will be little if anything. Also, they are pre-molded, which may be difficult to match with aftermarket parts.

On other cars it may well make a noticable difference. But don't let me stop you. Hey, I may try them myself at some point if I can get a good set for the right price, just to see what's what. These Goodridge PTFE (Teflon)/Kevlar lines caught my eye as well btw. Tasty.

<ul type="square"> productad.jpg

Seems the bizz, as stahlflex apparently isn't always all that either. I've heard a few stories about failure/ruptures...

It seems ATE (Super) Blue fluid can make a difference as well. I just had my fluid done by the dealer, so I didn't get it yet, but I might.

<ul type="square"> brakebleed1.JPG


Sure I forgot something... stoopid windoze. slap.gif

Oh well, it'll come to me. wink.gif

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Sorry dude, been busy smashfreakB.gif They actually expect me to WORK for the next couple of weeks NONO3.GIF

Anyway, I'm interested in the RedStuff Ceramics, so may wind up the Guinea Pig for the A/S3 guys smashfreakB.gif Sorry to hear they're not making/offering S8 pads confused.gif

As for the Shifter, it was just shipped on Thursday, so I expect it by Friday, and if I'm not TOO lazy, I'll install it this weekend FIREdevil.gif


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  • 3 weeks later...

More noise, they tend to squeal more. IMO there is less dust, but my problem is I do a lot of miles so end up with a crap load of dust anyway.

The stopping power seems to be significantly greater than the Audi OEM, but that could have been much more noticeable because my older ones were quite worn.

One thing that did concern me initially, was the gap on the rear disks, but apparently they're supposed to be like that (can't remember what my bro-in-law said now, but he fits brakes all day every day so trust him)

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