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Help! - TT Newbie


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Just about to take delivery of a 2001 TT Coupe from those nice folk at Fontain. Nice Salesman tells me it doesn't need a service for 4800 miles cos thats what the Computer says - Audi tell me its 2 years/19K miles so get 320 quid out. Who is right - and has anyone else dealt with Fontain - they did seem good on the surface but I'm getting nervous -

Any advice appreciated

Thanks, Rob SPericani2.gif

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max 2 years and 19000 miles is about right.

If its passed either of these and there's no service stamp in the service book then it will have affected the 3 year warranty. Audi Customer services should be able to tell you.

0800 699888 should be able to advise you on the phone when you pick the car up if its on a weekday.

Dont know much about Fontain? ROLLEY~14.GIF

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Thanks Wak - I've just picked the car up - and lo and behold it had been given a 20000 Service. Better add some comments to 'The things Salesmen say'.

That done all seems fine. I had picked up that a couple of the Alloys wanted refurbing and there was an odd tyre (3 Contis and 1 Mich Pilot) - they've put a set of P6000s on and sorted the alloys, and had Chips Away to touch in a scratch on the back bumper - so all seems good so far, and Fontain do seem to know their Audis. Better go for another drive!

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Hi A3Floyd - I have bought a Silver TTC 225, Black Leather, Bose, Stacker, Cupholders etc. 2001, 19000 miles - 20995 The red one is still there and they have dropped the price by a Grand - also the Nagoro Blue lowered / chipped & dipped / porsche Brakes has been reduced. Have you had dealings with Fontain before ? They seem to know their stuff. Not quite got the hang of the message boards yet but sure I will. V Sexy RS4 in there today too! You weren'y looking at the Black S3 were you ?

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