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I hate VW but love the car

Calm Chris

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£1000 Deposit March 02, BLUE R32.

Whats that mate? I showed the salesman the postage stamped Auto car 1st image.

Despite having no knowledge, he took the money.

I phone VW MK in June 02, who stated they were not taking deposits from dealers, so you're not on a list because there isn't one!

Back at Alan Day, ah yes, oh, oh. Well your get the 1st one we get! And I did........

VW phoned in Nov 02, only Black or Silver, apparently 'blue' would not be available on the 1st 500 cars!.

Delivery Xmas 02 (what a pressie!)after a weeks worth on PC failure at VW UK and problems registering R3 VWG (the girl at Alan Day didn't know how to register a private plate via DVLC).

So begun the joys of ownership. No issues whatsoever, just strange desires to go out driving at very odd times of the day (Sunday about 05:00 going coastal)to explore the 'beast' side.

Over the whole 22 months, it's done (with my help):-

19.9 mpg constant over 10k miles (70% mileage= urban)

Given me frown marks due too my fixed grin when driving.

Drunk 1 ltr of oil

Run standard tyres at f-33, b-35 (due for change by Xmas, fronts show heavier wear)

Overseas it showed 149 mph and self timed at 6.4 0-60.

And 1st service was free due to me being me.

Today I had the 6463 re-map done after Alan Day denied any problem with the car, on odd occasions it has been unresponsive on take off and during the warmer weather flat in mid range.

The dealer has some great techi guys, but the service is very poor compared to say Audi or BMW.

Car in for 3 hours, 2 weeks ago.

Car in from Monday 11th to 13th (today) for the 6463 remap, they had no ECU issues and kindly put 86 miles on the clock testing it for me.

In return for this I had the tempory ownership of a Polo with damage to 5 panels, dirty throughout and no fuel. I even had to pay a £10 insurance excess.

I did ask if they would wave the £10 fee due to them having cost me £20 in fuel due to the testing miles. They laughed.

I'll report back in a few days if I have any 6463 niggles.

In the mean time hello to all and I promise that I won't winge all the time.

However I promise that the RS3 (Audi won't yet confirm anything ) that I intend to have to replace the 'beast'in 2006 won't be via the Alan DAy group.

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Chri5, welcome to TsN. You been looking at us for long?? Great first post, kind of took me back to the days when I waited for my first R.


And dude - if you want to winge, then feel free to winge. So long as you have a good reason too!! grin.gif


Car in from Monday 11th to 13th (today) for the 6463 remap, they had no ECU issues and kindly put 86 miles on the clock testing it for me.

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Can't belive this bit though. Just how the feck did they manage that many miles testing it??


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Yep, The service issues are a common theme, I wonder if we shouldn't all just send them a link to here. If VW UK IT systems works like some of the dealers, a couple of thousand emails to them might cause promblems and maybe get some attention.

The miles were due to the senior / master tech living in Dunstable and I believe he took home...........

Just out of interest, did anyone get a R32 umbrella and pen set with the car. I didn't and the pre release bumf stated they should. UK said that this was only on Euro cars!

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I think most of us got the brolly and pen and keyring although it took some of us longer than others (riz).#

Glad you like the car, I would be kicking up a stink about the miles put on it. But maybe that is just me.

Oh yeah it took my stealer 45 mins to udate the software

And another thing .............welcome

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I did read some of the posts and still can't understand how VW UK could source the goodies and dish them out as compensation only. I'm pretty sure that you can't buy them anywhere and it seems odd that only a few disgruntled customers got them, after all what where VW UK going to do with them?

Or possibly they were orginal spec on all R32's and VW UK got them removed from the cars, gave most to staff and a few to you guys.

Sorry, I know I sound a bit bitter, but I am really unhappy about VW UK general service attitude.

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VW UK got them removed from the cars, gave most to staff and a few to you guys. Sorry, I know I sound a bit bitter, but I am really unhappy about VW UK general service attitude.

[/ QUOTE ]

The amount of goodies that ended up on eBay (and some R32 owners ended up bidding for) must mean that you are correct in your assumption!!! Don't apologise for saying that you are 'bitter'...remember, you're amongst friends here!!! beerchug.gif

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I personnally love VW UK, they are a fabulous organisation where obviously no one gets drunk or has a fire that needs guarding.

I still have my keyring,etc as i didnt give them back with the car when I sold it (no they are not for sale - although may swap for a set of aristos) - I was told this stuff was coming with all UK cars.

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Lat time I checked R32 on ebay someone wanted a £5 for the R32 sales leaflet! That's why my dealer had them hidden! More revenue for them.

Unfortunately I do appear to have become a bit to'British' with the manners, last week I shouted at someone (who did deserve it) and then apologised. TP27 I'll try to avoid apologies, unless necessary of course.

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Well I got them with my first car, the dealer just explained that he had to order them from Head office in time so I woould get them with my car. I would have picked my car up around the same time as you if I didn't have so may delays prior.

Strangely enough, they didn't come with the second. But I dislike my dealer that much that I really couldn't be bothered to ask. I just wanted a car that worked for once.

By the sounds of some of your ideas, you're gonna fit in here quite nicely!!

Emails??? grin.gif


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I think that is part of the problem. As a fact I can assure you VW do read this forum. Problem they have is that there are a vast number of customers out there and quite a few dealers too. Some people have different opinions in what they expect with regards to customer care. Add that with the differeing levels of dealers, and then the different types of marketplace VW are aiming for at the mo & I doubt it's so straight forward.

I think the real problem is that VW have had a great reputation, especially where the Golf is concerned. But things have gone a little wayward, competition has become more feirce and they've suffered (and it would appear that they have rested on their past too). Also, the fact that they have taken a £12-16k car & made it into a mid £20k car (ie the R32) but it would appear that they didn't think what sort of customer service that customer base would expect. I came from three years of living with Audi (part of the same group as we all know) but at dealer level a completely different story (in my experience). I just wonder how happy the people who bought the Phaeton or Tourag are with the level of service they get?

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I will never condem VW for building a car such as the R32 (or the W8, or V10 Tourag), if customers that are 'motor heads' or 'interested' in ownership are a novelity to them, then they do truely have their heads up their ar%%s (management and marketing, not the engineering boys).

The GTi was the base of a legend, 21 years ago. I remember being well p****d off when I got worried by a GTi pepper wheel Mk2 and I was doing a 125 on a GPZ750. In that day it was 'strong' car stuff.

The engineers and designers are clever blokes and made VW loads of wedge. It seems that to expect the past, present and future profits of VW to be invested in customer satisfaction and hence the continuation of a reputation, is no longer required. Viva la Corporation??

As you suggest how have they got is so wrong? I think VW world were surprized by the demand for the R32 and the potential performance (a la M3 / AMG) market. At the moment they are so busy counting money from these 'short' burst builds that they are in serious danager of loosing it.

AMG / M3 / Lexus don't have problems. Its sorted, no messing with reputation, no p*****g about b/s-ing owners. They understand repeat business and reputation

being major components of brand success.

VW please learn or you will go bust, start sowing seeds with existing customers of high brand/ value cars (especially private owners) value them, treat our ownership as a partnership to positive success, treat us as investors.

R32 ownership was sold by VW World as a unique experience, my mate with a bog, rubbish iS200 Lexus gets treatment that I can only dream of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited for language NONO3.GIF

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Spot on with these comments. I have no real issues with the way I've been treated by Advantage VW in Stirling, but Inch in Bathgate were a disgrace.

I doubt I'll by another VW, not based on how I've been treated and how VW customer services have dealt with my enquiries. My previous experiences have been with Audi and thats were I'll be returning to with my next car. Its a completely different type of customer service.... the put teh 'Service' back into it.

On that note, I still love the R32. Its a wee beast of a car and has a few niggles but still puts smile on my face 12 monts after I got it!

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I agree with Smudge in that VW dealers haev a long way to go to catch up Audi in customer service.

Had a percieved problem with the TT (similar to one we had with our NB cab), took it in and it turns out its a feature (radio goes off when you open the roof) - the technician took us asside and showed us the information from Audi technical confirming the reasons, demonstrated it on a couple of other cars and offered to dig out a wiring diagram so that we were happy and not being fobbed off - VW on the other hand had the car for 3 weeks, gave us no explanation, no feedback and finished it off with a call asking "Why havent you picked up your car yet?" - Errr maybe because you havent told me its ready....just cr@p

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Chris, welcome to the forum.

I had an Anni Gti (TDI) before I had my R32 (now sold). I've currently got a Bora Tdi that I (theoretically) bought to put the miles on whilst I enjoy my M Coupe at the w/e's etc.

I have been VERY impressed with one particular Beemer dealer and the level of customer service I've rec'd from them, but I've never had great customer service from VW and have had some god awful service from VW Walton with the Bora.

In a nutshell, I don't see myself buying another VW. Period.

Shame, as I LOVED my R32..... 169144-ok.gif


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All- Thanks for the introductions and the welcomes.

On Wednesday when I collected R3 VWG from Alan Day (which is very local to home) it was raining. Due to work stuff I didnt use the car. Yesterday, I thought I'd give the car a blast and see how the remap performed.

After a 4 mile plod up to the M25 I was waiting at some lights and the bloke in the car next to me pointed to the bonnet.

Thank you !!!!

VW had not closed the bonnet to the truely closed position!

Now I do know that there are 2 catches on the bonnet, but......... I was 300m from the M25 and I was seconds away from some 0-100 type heavy foot action.

Whats the likehood that the catch would have given way against a 0-100 mph force created wind? I have emailed them saying what I think about this issue, I'm not holding out for a response.

I know I've been a bit 'blunt' with the dealer, but surely this doesn't warrant an attempt to get rid of me!!!

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Welcome to the forum chris. A funny thing you should say that about your bonnet catch. Picked mine up after its 10,000 mile service and to my horror the bonnet was not closed properly, a lucky thing I noticed as I too was going to open it up on a lovely stretch of the M4!!!!


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Its a bit too coincidental, both Dai and mine had just come back from dealers. I dont think there's any issue here other than the basic fact that some dozy git in the workshop didn't push the bonnet home.

Some people just drop the bonnet closed and the weight does a full close with a loud 'plop'. In a workshop its normal to bring the bonnet down with hand supporting the weight and then 'push' it closed gently (thus aviod noise).

It was there fault end of story... unless some one would like to recount any stories of full bonnet opening at high speed on Her Majesties Highways?

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Tis a bit odd & worrying. I never drop the bonnet shut for two reasons. One, I just don't think it should be done & two, I know of an incident when someones headlamp got smashed because the bonnet was mis-aligned. I always pull the bonnet down so it rests on the latch & then push it till it clicks.

With regards to searching out details of the Directors of Alan Day, you could have a hunt around here but I doubt you'll get anywhere. I'm sure it was just a genuine mistake (not that this makes it any better). Maybe an appology & some TLC in return at best? frown.gif



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