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Before you do the vomiting thing invite one or two friends over and wait for the innevitiable chunder. Whilst this is taking place (in full sight of your friends)slip a lighter out of your pocket and ignite the vomit. You friends will think you are a dragon.

Make sure they stamp out the flames though and remove any king prawns that may have been vomited up. I shall explain what to do with these in a later post.

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  • 1 month later...

Just joined laugh.gif

Also just read the January issue, nice but didn't think the Firepower bashing was quite justified-right on how politics work here in the US at the moment (sigh)-but unfairly used for the description of the Firepower.

Sorry, that's just my DC fanaticism kicking in-the car really is just an Aston Martin ripoff tongue.gif

At least the Chrager wasn't quite ridiculed laugh.gif

disappointed not to see the sh*t like the Nissan Kuraza or Saturn/Opel rip-offs, though..

Anyway, glad to have joined! laugh.gif

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Oh, there that's better. Can you hear me now?

I need to address a bit o' bad form pre-formed by myself...

I forgot to introduce myself! And I've already posted a few Sniff snipes...Bad Don slap.gif

'Sean' for real, DonKHotay for forum fodder.

Been SniffPetrolling for a while (makes my month! used to make my week wink.gif) and have turned quite a few folks on to Sniff's work.

I work in the US auto industry (Tier1 supplier, brings me across The Pond occasionally) and am a big SAAB fan (race, rally, & restore 99s...DD is a 9000 Aero)...tho I picked up a '66 Portia 912 for more fun/heartache.

Lovin' all your'all's postings (especially Bobski's), notworthy.gif to/of Sniff's publication, and hope I can add something to the mix & put a smile on some of your'all's faces...


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Aiyee! Thanks for the 'i' alert! 169144-ok.gif

Nope, altho I grew up in the NE, that's not me. But I bet I know the guy. There's a SAAB nut right there in Lakeville...and another who drives up from VA to race his family's SAAB 2-stroke Quantum.

Wish I was closer...

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Evening all! ices_blah.gif

garcon here, just checking in to the hello thread. Been an avid reader of Sniff Petrol for a while - and a one time contributor (Scooters - Two Wheeled Alternative Transport or T.W.A. ... you get the idea tongue.gif ).

Oh by the way, either there's two Magical Trevors around these t'internetdotweb parts, or I know him from another forum (that shall not be named... wink.gif ).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello all! Another American Sniff fan here. I'm a member of so many automotive time-wasting forums already, I figured it couldn't hurt to add one more.

I drive anonymously sporty Japanese cars. I currently have a Miata, and in the past I've had an array of Nissan coupes (200SX and 240SX). There's no feeling quite like staring at the underside of everyone else's vehicles as they pass.

Oh, and I admit to stealing my signature from another online satire magazine, but The Onion doesn't really count as a competitor, does it...

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Hi, I'm one of those new person things. I just stumbled across the site this evening and spent a good amount of time laughing my silly head off so I signed up for the forums because such things are good for wasting time at work. I hail from ye olde Australia, which gets live f1 at 2.30am on a Monday morning, thus leading to many yawns at work.

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