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R32 14k miles, End Of Term Review......


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frown.gifR32 End of Term Report !!!!

Well thats the end of that ! My beautiful Deep Blue Pearl 3 Door R32 is gone !! Back to the stealer I purchased it from 11 months ago for what I reckon was quite a good price - very sad to see it go as its given me nearly a year of grinning everytime I look at it or drop the throttle ECLIPSe.gif . I made the dealer promise to tell its next owner about Tyresmoke.net so it may be back as some point !! 169144-ok.gif Here's a few of my observations......

Big Love


grin.gif Where do I start - its a high quality, brilliant, practical, fast, great looking, head turner - especially in the deep blue. The noise it makes is incredible even though I kept it stock - never quite finding the funds to go for the Milltek. Even the golf clubs and Sub fitted nicely in the boot !! Passengers always commented what a comfortable ride it was, until I got heavy footed !! The seats are great, no matter what they are made with wink.gif and the interior is of such high quality its really puts the new mkV Golf to shame.

grin.gifBeing rewarded after a good cleaning session with what has got to be one of the best car colours ever devised !!

shocked.gif In fact, the more I write in this section, the more I wonder if I should have kept it !

Not so much love


Fuel consumption - having a fuel card, it wasn't the cost - more like knowing that I've done my part to kill 0.000000000000000001% of planet earth !!

crazy.gif Haldex - perhaps it was my car, or me ! I didn't like constantly wondering if the car would understeer on a wet aroundabout or suddenly throw power to the rear wheels ??

VW dealers - dear god, don't get me started but I have to say the dealer has fully redeemed itself when I came to sell - they have been excellent - even lending me a 54 plate Bora TDI sport until my new car was ready, despite the new car not being a VW ! (so really its a positive point+++)



Despite being back to the dealer several times for new , shakes and rattles, V4 then 6463 update, saggy front seats replaced, ECU (thanks APR trial software) etc - I've not spent any money on servicing - 14k on the clock and its not yet warning of an impending service - I get the feeling it will probably run to the full 18-20k miles before a service. 169144-ok.gif

1L of Oil free from VW assist.



Same MPS at arrived on it - 14k miles and still 4 mmm of tread all round - only problem was a nail in the middle of the right rear which was repaired locally for £15



Been with Admiral throughout ownership - very good value, thankfully I've not had the need to claim so no experience in that department. The first 10 month policy was £1200 but this came down to £820 at renewal which I thought was excellent (4 yrs NCD). I'll be staying with Admiral for the new arrival.


Price when new - £25k with Leather + Criuse

Price sold - £21k with 14k miles, damaged alloy, damage to wingmirror housing.



I have to say the R32 has really not put a foot wrong in the time of ownership - I literally decided to sell because I fancied a change and I felt like getting something silly before I end up having to get a MPV or a big 4x4. If anyone out there is thinking of getting an R32, do it !! You won't regret it - find an good one and it will give you many thousands of happy miles and keep you grinning on a permenant basis ECLIPSe.gif169144-ok.gif

p.s. - Any questions please reply or PM me 169144-ok.gif

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Guess they had a customer for it already??

Ash. beerchug.gif

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grin.gif Yup, I reckon so - I think I could have got £500 more if I sold privatley but for the reduced hassle and reduced risk of testpilots, theives etc I reckon it was worth going down the main dealer route.

grin.gif It does mean I found the new car I wanted on Saturday at MPH04, found a dealer who wanted my car, agreed a price for the R32, found an example of the new car, sorted insurance, logistics and fingers crossed take delivery of new car - all in the space of 6 days 169144-ok.gif

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p.s. the dealer giving you 21k was very good indeed! 169144-ok.gif

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Yes, congrats for getting out at such a high price, when I considered an A3 Sportback (when the 6463 problem was at its worst) I was offered 17 for a silver 53 with leather and on 5k - did me a favour I reckon as 6463 fixed it !



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If, however, you found the R32 'intimidating' going around wet roundabouts then I think you're about to have a rude awakening......VX220 Turbo + winter ? grin.gif


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grin.gif I reckon its going to be a fun/steep learning curve in the VXT. I wasn't keen on the R32's unpredictable nature in the wet, hopefully with less electronics in the mix the VXT will do the same thing each time, albeit in a scary way 169144-ok.gif

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Well done bazza, top review, bought back memories of when I had my R32..agh the good old days, have to agree with you, its an absolute top car 169144-ok.gif

Have to say thats one good thing with this forum..ya end up experiencing a lot of cars!!

Look forward to seeing it...guess you will have to change your hairstyle mate so that you can fit your head in the car though the_finger.gifyelrotflmao.gif

keep us posted how you get on

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  • 2 weeks later...


If, however, you found the R32 'intimidating' going around wet roundabouts then I think you're about to have a rude awakening......VX220 Turbo + winter ?

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I was thinking exactly the same thing, although, when summer comes, i reckon he'll be kicking our arse's in his VX220T SAUER0421.GIF BUT until then, we'll safely say that his new VX220T wont be much of a challenge in the winter months, so lets go get him FIREdevil.gif

Respect! fekr.gif

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I was thinking exactly the same thing, although, when summer comes, i reckon he'll be kicking our arse's in his VX220T SAUER0421.GIF BUT until then, we'll safely say that his new VX220T wont be much of a challenge in the winter months, so lets go get him FIREdevil.gif

Respect! fekr.gif

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grin.gif cheers - its true I'm having some slight traction issues in these damp conditions, roll on spring/summer yelrotflmao.gif

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