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My Review of the R32


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Oh no not another one I here you say.. Sorry but yes.

I owned this car from April to November. I have owned many VW's in my driving life time some slow and some quick ones. A chance to buy a R32 came up, with help from my Dealer I had bought the Bora from a Deal was struck and I collected the R32 with 1200 miles on the Clock. Being a Ex Dealer Demo i was abit worried about the car. So the first few weeks were just taking it slow getting used to the car and what the car was about.

I went into the R32 ownership without even driving one. Some may say foolish, but I on the other hand thought it was worth the Risk. Not being about to find one local to take out for a drive. but after driving many Mk4's i knew i wouldn't be let down. Boy I wasn't the car had everything. Grip, Space and solid feel.

Now I hear you say that I haven't said anything about performance which i will come to in abit. The feel and look of the car was very good. I was in noway disappointed in my Purchase. It was worth the price tag. The seats were really huggy and kept you in place, very glad I didn't go for leather! But Cloth seats with Vynil outters. The Ally dash and trim was a very nice touch. Everything working how it should. The only downside i could think of was space for 4 people was crampt and the front seats hitting the roof when letting people in the back of the car. Other than that fine.

The car was not overly quick in a straight line. Other cars often thought it was cool that they were keeping up with a R32. Many ways they were, but the car was more about the handling than anything else as I saw it. She is a heavy girl but that doesn't stop you having fun with her! I found her easy to chuck about and the factor that its a jump in and go car was very appealing! I found the Suspension setup to be bang on for a Standard car! Was very competant for a car like this from the factory! I felt that you knew what the car was doing and was able to correct yourself if need be! Having 4Mo was a help but then sometimes a hinderence! But I did find that this car was very compotant in the twists and various tussles with good handling cars help me prove this. But felt very solid at high speeds.

After getting used to her I found her a joy to drive. Doing the exhaust, so it was now a Milltek stright through was the best mod I could of done. Sounded awesome with this on. Way better than standard and not over the top. Many find that this and the standard exhaust are over the top or boomy. But to them I say drive a Tuned G60 and you will be glad of this Milltek Striaght Through. But again its down to the person. The engine had some good punch if need be but also was able to potter along at low speeds.

Over the short period of owning her I only had a few problems. Misty side repeator and ECU upgrade. Both of which were done on Warrenty! I did service her at 7k miles with just a oil filter and oil change which were done at LPS in Ipswich using VW components.

The MPG was low tho getting higher at around 9k miles. But then if you complain about MPG why do you buy a car like this. Tyre wear seemed to be good even with my hooning around.

My R32 was in black to keep it suttle for where I park at work and I think it worked a treat. She looked very nice in Black and less in your face than some other colours.

All in all if you want a great alrounder than the R32 is a great car. If you want a car thats quick in a straight line there are better ones out there, the same if you want better handling cars. But for the price and what you getting the R32 is a serious car for anyone who was to be on that EVO ladder.


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