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Swapping Micheling Pilot Sport for Goodyear F1


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Many of you may have read how I recently swapped the 18" Michelin Pilot Sports on my R32, replacing them with Goodyear Eagle F1 GSD3 tyres.

I'd used the Goodyears before and was very happy with them. They give unrivalled perfomance in the wet and, whilst maybe wearing a little quicker that some tyres, are very good in the dry too.

The Michelins I found were a little hard, making them more lasting, and not so good at getting through waterlogged roads.

So, I looked forward to having the F1's on my R32. Loving the drive of the R32 and knowing I loved the F1 tyre would be a great combo.

I've had them for a few thousand miles now and it's very interesting. Clearly loads more grip and confidence than the MPS in the wet but there is a huge difference.

Where I feel the main difference is would be during acceleration. As you probably know, the Haldex AWD system is predominantly FWD and torque is shifted dynamically to the rear if any loss of grip is detected at the front. You can actually feel this quite a lot from the driver's seat.

With the Michelins it happened all the time and I feel that much of the time I was throwing power to the rears in order to maintain traction. With the F1's this just isn't so and the fronts are hanging on so much better.

This, bizarrely, makes the R32 feel more like a FWD car and there's more torque steer. A little off-putting I think and not a characteristic I've ever liked in a vehicle.

It's not the end of the world, but I won't mind when the F1's have worn down a bit. But then I'll lose the wet weather benefits. I dunno...better tyres...worse drive. Not what I expected.

Still, no regrets, I got all 4 18's for £420 so very good value.

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Weird isn't it. How different cars and different tyres get such diverse opinions.

Michelin Pilot Sport 2 XL's ready to go on my M3 to replace the dreadful Conti's - and I've had Goodyear F1 on a previous car (not an M3) and they were horrible.

Yet, on my last M3 Coupe, the PS2's were awesome - hence a full set waiting to go on the Conv now.

Should be getting em on tomorrow with any luck.

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I got mine done at Chessington's for the R32 and I concur with Jaffacake. More torque steer / pull issues and more Road noise. Not happy with the constant throwing of stones by the wide tread pattern and frequently hearing the click, click of stuck stones in the tread pattern.

Side walls are softer and on the London Roads the car feels more 'rickitty' due to heavyness over minor pot holes and sleeping policeman.

Grip is better and 70mph bends more comfortable.

Warning about Chessington tyres little shop in Walton. The wheel balance machine isn't much good for 18" wheels. Got mine checked again and both fronts were off. So it the front seems more fragile, it might be more than just a brand / tyre change.


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I've not noticed the road noise, I though they were better if anything. Stones is more of a winter thing too.

Are you running standard tyre pressures? Or something different?

Interesting comment about the wheel balance, without a 3rd check how do you know who is right wink.gif

Amazing how I assume you're a smoker from your post...

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The guy at Walton shop told me that the 18" wheels were on the edge of the limits for the wheel bal machine that they have. He also told me that any Kwik Fit centre would re do the balence due to Kwik Fit being the 'mother' company and all that is required is to take your receipt down as proof of purchase.

Mine, was in for its 2 years service last week and due to previous issues with the dealer, they did the re-test FOC.

Not too sure I understand your comment regarding smoke?

Unless your referencing student days, man..........

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I changed to F1's i thouhgt the road noise was considerably less than with the Pilot sports,. Handling is much better and I actualy feel there is more grip from the front, and less from the back, the tail has broken awat a few times witht he F1 but hardly ever with the Pilot Sports. The only downside to them is they are possibly not as good for high speed driving. I think as the outer wall is softer when turning gradually very fast there is more give. Howver you can easily get used to this. Overall a les expensive and muh better tyre 169144-ok.gif

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I had F1's on the TT and on the S4 I replaced the iffy Continentals for Michelins Pilot Sport 2s. They does seem very stiffly side walled and I'm very impressed with them. However i found the F1's felt more confidence inspiring so I'll probably move back to these again. In fact I only went for the PS2's as I couldn't get the F1's.

The only downside I found on the F1's was they don't sqeal much!!

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I agree with Woppum. I have the MPS2's on my stock Aristo's for winter driving and have the GYF1's on the BBS CH alloys I put on the car in the summer. The tyre noise from the Michelin's is louder but the road handling over the summer of the F1's is streets ahead (despite the obvious difference in road conditions in summer v winter). F1's are less noisy on the whole and alternating wheel/tyre mix over the year makes sense for me. 169144-ok.gif TP.

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