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New Road Angel


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Right ive had it updated with the latest update of camera`s etc from BlackSpot.

I used the 12v lighter socker/lead (straight) and manged to fit it pretty much neatly in my R32

with most of the cables tucked away neatly.

The unit is so simple to use its amazing, it will take you a short while setting it up and getting

used to the button combinations but once done it works wonders.

It lights up a but colour which is similar to the VW blue lighting theme which was nice smile.gif

Ive set the warning distance to 500m and put warnings on all dangers, including backspots and schools.

Although i will be turning off the audio alert for school`s as it goes off all the time.....

I think the chap who speaks might be Tiff Needel?

It takes approx 1min for it the locate all the GPS satellites and has a build in Compass Direction... Longitude and

Latitue figures in them menu.

In standard mode the screen is blue and displays time, direction of travel and the current speed.

So i took it out and testing it last night.....

Wooooooohoooooo it gave me a warning for the recent "Temp Fixed Safety Camera" van which hides behind the sign on the

Sheffield Parkway.... thats it... it wins for me!

I would recommend this to anybody who likes things simple and will be using in more than one car... im going to use

it in my company van/car and it will make life so much easier.

Road Angel gets my vote.... but ive not really said anything that everybody probably doesnt know... just wanted to let you know i like it. 169144-ok.gif

Riz smile.gif

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Cheers Riz. Mine is still in its box because the car won't be going anywhere over the next few days. Icey outside so the wifes 320d is going out instead (she's not amused).

Glad to hear it sounds like a good piece of kit though. I read up all the reviews before asking for one for Xmas and the other reason I haven't got it fitted yet is because the guy who is going to fit my new Michelin PS2's has offered to hard wire it into the car at the same time (cos like you, I don't like wires everywhere and I know they'll be hard to hide in the M3).

Looking forward to it!

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It's not that the M3 is 2wd thats the reason it ain't going out....its because the roads in this weather kick up all kinds of crap onto my nice clean car...

..besides, the 320d is 2wd too. But hers is Carbon Black and hasn't had a wash for a week, so it doesn't matter right now...hehe.

On saying that, the M3 is, how shall I put this, "interesting" in icey conditions....!

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Hmm, not sure I'd call it that.

I'm the sort who gets very edgy if I think the car is going to get dented. Not by me....but by the morons who drive too close in this sort of weather...

[/ QUOTE ] Me too... thats why i park millions of miles away from the shopping complex enterance...

Riz tongue.gif

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Any new Road Angel owners find the LCD display hard to read

with the red warning background on?

I mean, the red is so strong, you cant make out the black text

even with the contrast on 20, the red is too much! Then with that

on so high, you cant read the black text on the blue background


I would say it is a backlight issue, its waaaay too strong!

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Any new Road Angel owners find the LCD display hard to read

with the red warning background on?

I mean, the red is so strong, you cant make out the black text

even with the contrast on 20, the red is too much! Then with that

on so high, you cant read the black text on the blue background


I would say it is a backlight issue, its waaaay too strong!

[/ QUOTE ] Mine works perfect... maybe a warranty job?

Riz confused.gif

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ROSSG - Have you contacted Blackspot about it at all?? I have emailed them, so any more people who write in might make a difference!

There needs to be a 'night' mode, where the backlight is either off, or at a lower brightness.

I've modded the setting to about 15, which is ok for daytimes when the daylight washes out the screen and it reads fine, but at night, its just unreadable on the red warning background...Borderline unacceptable i'd say....

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I am not sure that it is - depends if you prefer the looks.

IMO there are other units ou there that have more features and can be installed more neatly. However, I have not used them, and my RA2 has never let me down.

Horses for courses I would guess, especially if your older one dosen't have the radar detector, givent the upcoming change in the law.

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Ross have you bought that TomTom kit? Cos if you haven't I might have something that interests you.

I bought a HP iPaq 2210 with a 128mb SD card a year ago.

I then bought the TomTom Navigator kit with GPS receiver

Total well over £500.

Now it's useless to me. I don't use the iPaq cos I went back to a filefax system for various reasons and my new car has SatNav...so it has sat untouched for many months now.

Mint condition the lot. The iPaq has had a hard reset and I have to locate the Navigator CD cos I haven't found it again yet! Anyway, in case you're interested, I'll listen to any sensible offer because it's money sat in a box and nothing more.

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Hi M3Me,

I haven't got the TOM TOM GO yet, but I already have the PDA gubbins. Cheers for the offer tho...

I like the true portability of the GO, aswell as the fact that it has a battery, and so can be used in the car with absolutley NO wires 169144-ok.gif

Only downside of it is that it looks like a toy - but hey - it is a toy 169144-ok.gif

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Ok, no probs, another question though -

I got a Road Angel (new) as I think you know and I had held off installing until I got my new tyres fitted cos the guy was going to hard wire unit it at same time.

Anyway - I forgot to take the unit.

So, I have just set it up now.

Was it you that remarked on the brightness of the red alerts making the text unreadable?

If it was - mine is the same! I can't read a bloody thing on it when the screen goes red!


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Ok, no probs, another question though -

I got a Road Angel (new) as I think you know and I had held off installing until I got my new tyres fitted cos the guy was going to hard wire unit it at same time.

Anyway - I forgot to take the unit.

So, I have just set it up now.

Was it you that remarked on the brightness of the red alerts making the text unreadable?

If it was - mine is the same! I can't read a bloody thing on it when the screen goes red!


[/ QUOTE ] Is mine the only one that works?

Riz confused.gif

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I've adjusted the default screen contrast to 11, does it impact on the red screen too?

I'm a bit gutted you have to wait 24 hours for them to recognise the serial no and activate the subscription mind you - thats pants.

[/ QUOTE ] Mines on default of 10 and works perfect!

Riz confused.gif

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