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Do MINI's hold their value well ??


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Ive worked in the motor trade for thirteen years and been selling and buying cars for 8 yrs.

Beware! I have noticed the number of Mini's at the auction have increased tenfold in the last few months or so, also they are rarely making book money so be careful when buying, sure it was the case a year or so ago that people would fall over themselves to get hold of one and in some cases didnt depricate at all (cooper s ,mostly) but that isnt the case now in fact some of my collegues have had them on fourcourts a while now and not being able to shift them. Problem 1 -they are overpriced and always have been in my opinion, especially when you spec one... Problem 2 -It is a fashion accessory that is rapidly going out of fashion...Problem 3 - there are well known and documented reliability problems regarding electrics etc...

Im not saying dont buy one...im just saying be careful!

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