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Auto-Scan in Shareware version


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Just tried to run an autoscan using my shareware version of VAG-COM but I get a comms error when it tries to connect to the second module (does the first module OK).

Checked the ross-tech site and auto-scan is not available in the shareware version, but the error seems a bit odd (other features that aren't available give a popup box saying its because its the shareware version)

Has anybody else seen this? - I'm thinking of registering the software but don't really want to if I still wont be able to run an autoscan.

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Are you using a genuine "Ross-Tech" cable or is it a copy. If it's a genuine cable and you register the software, then the customer support from Ross-Tech will sort out any problems like this for you, I'm sure.

If it's a copy cable and not one of theirs, they'll direct you to the cable manufacturer for technical support, if they determine that the software is fully functional. If the cable is of "Chinese" origin or some place like that, then expect little help from the manufacturer!

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Assuming you are using the X-One or X-Two interface and Vag-com 409.1 then Autoscan should work even in shareware mode. Try do a manual scan of the individual module first.

Note : From Beta 500.4 onward it won’t work with any non dongle interface.

Must come to another Essex meet soon laugh.giflaugh.gif

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sk, I'm using the X-One interface with version 409.1-S and when I run autoscan I get an interface not ready message (see attachment) - seems as if it isn't closing the first module completely before it tries to open the next. I've just managed to get the same error by closing one module and going into another straight away. But if I leave it a couple of seconds its fine. Any ideas?

(by the way, thanks for the speedy delivery of the interface)


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Was trying to run it on my IBM thinkpad T23 with Windows 2k. But have just tried it on my ancient thinkpad 310 (Win 98 with a massive 16Mb of RAM!!) and after autoscan finishs with the first module I get a message telling me to register the software. (which was what I expected)

So I guess there must be something running on my newer machine thats conflicting with it.

Think i'll just stick with the old machine for now (unless anyones got any idea's about the new one)

Thanks for your help.

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