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Mamas and Papas Pliko P3


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Well been running it now for almost 7 months and I suggest anyone looking to buy a new 'travel system' for an impending babies keeps looking.

The system looks good, no doubt about that, lots of colourways and usefull add-ons.

However once in use the system begins to shows its limitations ..... the first glimmer of anything none smooth tarmac and it begins to struggle and forget many footpaths. The main part of the pram faces the wrong way so if the baby is sitting or laying they cant see you, you have to remove parts to get the car seat or travel cot attatched to it, but they provide you no convenient starage place with the system so it disappears into the cupbaord under the stairs!!!!

Ours before second use would need one set of wheels replacing and a major overhaul, and I would suggest we are a pretty careful family, so reliability in the long terms looks poor.

The travel cot - fantastic when you want to take sleeping baby from car to shops / mates house, but you need to ensure you have kept up the gym work. My mrs is quite small and once baby had passed 10lb she struggled to lift it!!! Fixing into the car is also good fun and in the Bora you lose the back seat so forget taking 3 + baby anywhere in small family car.

Add on sunscreen is totally inflexible and provides little benefit to occupant of the travel system.

Overall it looks nice but just doesnt offer flexibilty or reliability to justify the costs.

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Thanks for posting. We're looking at the moment.

Current favourite is the Jane system where the car seat also goes perfectly flat for use over a few hours and even in lieu of a Moses basket.

Our concern is as you identified the weight of baby plus seat when lifting in and out. I was hoping that this wouldn't be too bad up to 9 months and then after that it would lifting baby only and placing in fixed seat.

At least your advice means one of the millions is crossed off the list.

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9 months

[/ QUOTE ]

The seats are usually based on the weight of the baby, but 9 months is a good guide. We used a moses basket and seperate car seats (only ever found one rear facing one that went in scooby) becuase the kids would almost always stay asleep between the car and 'bed'.

Both ours they only were in the 'moses basket' for about 2 weeks before they would wake themselves up by hitting the side with their hands/arms when moving around - then it was into a 'proper' cot.

Most of the rear facing ones are much-of-a-muchness (except the real dross at the bottom / middle of the market) but we ended up being driven by what would fit in scooby.

Forward facing ones we sent for were the Britax Renassiance.

Go and talk to the people in Mothercare, they really do know what they are talking about (well the ones in Stevenage do)

My 2p

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We bought the seat shown below (M&P) when our youngest turned 14 months and it has been superb.

They're not really suitable for taking in and out of cars all the time so we bought two (and at £135 each they ain't cheap).

But they came out very highly in a Which? test and she's well and truly strapped in.

The seat levers up and down to different angles too.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Shao Khan ...

As an alernative point of view ...

This is strange, because we too have been running the pliko advance for 7 months and I rate it very highly.

My partner walks right around caldecote lake from our estate adjacent to the lake (you being from mk should know how long this is and also the rough path that it follows( approx 4 miles for those who dont)) EVERY day with it and has done for the whole 7 months.

She also regularly walks to kingston and is always walking round the shopping centre with it.

On average I would say its done around 5-6 miles per day for the 7 months mostly on gravel type paths

All this and there are very few signs of wear on it and with a quick clean could pass for nearly new.

I dont know what you mean about removing bits for the car seat as we dont have to do this with ours.... it just clips in and out.

It folds down very compact and narrow which most of these type do not.

we looked long and hard for this and I think it was an excellent buy.

I would buy the same again and can recommend it highly 169144-ok.gif

I hope you dont think this has hijacked the post but its always nice to hear other sides

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I guess my biggest issues with it (on the walk around same lake) is that there is little protection for the baby when walking from the wind, it seems to me also it might have been better if you could reverse it so that baby was facing you. All my wheels squeak, but we have been advised my M&P now that they will actually service it for free as it should do mileage as you have described.

With abby 2 due soon, will be needing a double offering and thats a whole different ballgame - have no idea what to get.

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Double buggies are a bit of a 'mare as the side-by-side ones don't navigate around shops too well as they are too wide.

We ended up with a line astern double one as it was the only one we could find that went flat for the baby and would fit in the boot of the A4 and Scooby :


(be aware a whole load of them say "fully reclining" but they are not)

Blond driver is an extra grin.gif

Linky winky

We then also had a MacClaren double width one later on. I think it is this one but cannot be certain without a piccy. Again chosed becasue of space requirements in the A4 and Scooby.

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