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A damn good seeing to. Before/after


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These pics are in my General Cars post, but thought I'd put them in here together to show the before/after difference.

Car is a '94 Rover 214SEi that we picked up for D yesterday. The car was valeted throughout prior to us picking it up, and it looked superb I have to say.

Which makes the results of a good waxing session today even more remarkable, as it wasn't going from very dirty to polished, but very clean to polished.

I gave it two good thick coats of Autoglym Super Resin Polish, then did all the plastic (bumpers, trim etc) with Autoglym Bumper Care, which is quite a thick solution which rubs in and restores colour as well as giving a bit of shine.

Finally I did all the windows inside and out with Autoglym Car Glass Polish.

The first coat of wax went on quite patchily as I don't think it had ben waxed for a long time (ever?). Second coat went on much smoother.

Very pleased with the result, four hours of hard work but worth it I think, and it'll be easier to keep clean and protect the finish a bit now too.



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I think Ari dropped in the dirty white van for effect sekret.gif

We all know these marketing techniques you know - we're not going to buy a boat from you! (Well its probably more to do with the fact that I would be financially unable to buy a boat more to the point grin.gif )

I have to admit though I do see a difference. The indicator lense on the front wing does look slightly cleaner on the second photo tongue.gif

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I emailed D these pictures in a "look how great your car looks now" kind of way, and she admitted to me a couple of days later that she couldn't see any difference at all! SAUER0421.GIFSAUER0421.GIFSAUER0421.GIF


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Harsh! Must admit it looks good, and this is from someone who has never handwashed his car (Dealer Autoglym + brushless Hydrowash sekret.gif).

Did she appreciate it more in the metal ?

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To me the car looks much brighter in the second photo, and the paint looks "deeper".

Also, if you look at the grey section along the bottom of the doors (which I always assumed was plastic cladding but is actually just painted grey) its a lot cleaner.

And the water does indeed bead nicely and run off in the rain.

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