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Cheapest broadband deal?


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I know its been mentioned before on here but wanted to start afresh as things move fast

I am hacked off with 56k modem and the aol fre trial is running out agian

the best deal I have seen recently is Tiscali - free modem and free connection - zilch, cost is £27 per month for std 512 which is all I need

can anyone better this taking total charges for year 1?

ie tiscali = 0 + 27x12 = £324

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hmmm - this is a PITA - like choosing a mobile in that none of the offers

seem comparative

I don't feel confident about messing about inside my PC so I want a USB

modem, 512k and 3 of those micro filter thingies

plusnet looks cheap at £22.99 but charge a whopping £98.68

for activation/hardware for annual contract or £12 more for monthly - total

annual cost = £374

2 questions:

if I get kit from a particular ISP and then switch I take it I don't need to

buy another modem etc?

do you reckon monthly contracts are the way to go (even if a £10-20 premium)

as the cost of ADSL is falling and I can swap more easily


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Nildram Homelight 500 £22.99 a month fit your own ADSL modem and its £29.38 for activation. The PCI ADSL card is a piece of piss to fit and costs about £30. You need a microfilter for each phone extension in your house which is about £4 each. Go HERE

There also the fastest ADSL service in the UK every month on http://www.adslguide.org.uk/

I have been with them 6 months never had a problem. Brilliant.

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I've just gone with Virgin 100mb for £25pm, previously I'd been on Three 4G with Huawei B818 router but the service started to get very flakey over the last few months, vastly variable speeds and cutting out regularly hence the need to change.  Virgin service has been stable at about 110mb since installed last month.

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