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Mamas and Papas AT4


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Just finished building it and I am tempted to see how quick it is down a quarter mile. With fully adjustable independant suspension and proper rubber tyres with decent treads, more storage space than my A3 and a seat that more resembles a recaro rally seat - its the winners choice.

Four position backrest makes the AT4 suitable for use from birth up to 15kg

Removable Hood has additional ventilation

Raincover included which can be zipped onto hood

Luxurious ‘zip on’ footmuff keeps baby cosy and warm

Detachable bag and large reinforced basket make plenty of room for all those essentials.

Weighs 8.5kg (excluding wheels and hood)

Optional extras are second docking station for the car seat

Not tried to see if it will fit in my car yeat even though I payed £400 quid for it


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I've not seen that one before. I'll check it out. I guess you don't want to know where you can get it for £360! crazy.gif

Our current favourite has 5 spoke ally wheels, low profile tyres, adjustable suspension, disk brake, oversized frame, single sided 'swing arm' (well sort of). yelrotflmao.gif

It comes with the "Matrix" child seat which hinges and can go flat as a carrycot.:


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Wife went into prem labour on christmas eve 33 weeks pregnant, caused by a kidney infection, supressed and due to give birth last tuesday 8/2/2005.

Decided to buy everthin in the sales and because of the possible early arrival I had to face the christmas sales at Cheshire Oaks.

Parked up at 10am for 11am opening, stupid people were queuing, doors opened at 11 - I ran into the store and said I'll have that one reduced from 450 to 400 and a Zoe bed cot and changer and matress

There you go 900 quid in 4 minutes

out at 11:05

Hence no real thought gone into the buggy thing, would have bought on the net if I could, also seen for £360.

Have justified the need for an S4 in sept as having two A3's is too much, we need a 4 door.

Spend all day on Audi config.

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  • 6 months later...


does anyone have any experience with the quinny buzz? or any of its models?

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We've got a Quinny Buzz 169144-ok.gif

It's pretty good and we've had plenty of people stop us and ask about it. The only negative points that i've found so far (5 days use) is:

1. the rear wheels are a bit wide and can be a bit tricky fitting through narrow doors, etc.

2. there isn't a basket/tray for putting shopping in

3. the footmuff is £30!

Good points:

1. it looks the nuts 169144-ok.gif

2. it's really light and smooth

3. the assisted unfold feature is a godsend when you've got only one spare hand.

4. really good quality materials - its the audi of the buggy world cool.gif

We're really happy with it overall but it's not cheap at £400 with the maxi-cosi car seat. If we were to do it all again, i'd probably settle for something half the price as there are other pushchairs out there that are functionally better but we wanted something a little different.



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phew... thanks for all the input. we've been looking around at various other shops and the number of options keep piling up. I am very tempted to just go and get a second hand one for a tenner and then see what works best! all the systems we've looked at all amount to extravagant prices, some even up to 600 notes! i'm a bit dubious of spending that much on something that we're going to use for 6 months or so. after that i'm going to make the little one learn to walk!

we're coming away from the buzz because of the shopping basket issue. maybe go for the jane with matrix system or graco liberty. the other choices are probably the bebecar or mamas and papas pliko. these all have the lie flat option.

anyway, back to the drawing board.


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Don't bother

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Nice one Lodders, Ive just ordered a bugaboo when the new one comes out in October!! To be honest Ive looked at every 'kin pram going and the bugaboo is really light and easy to chuck in the car. The new is more adjustable and a little cheaper. The frame only is easy to pick up and the other half can lift it easy. We tried the Quinny but it was heavier compared. Anyway more importantly its black and comes with nice wheels and tinted rain cover. wink.gif

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