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Cars which obey speed limits!!


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If any government wants to take my rights away to that degree I would vote for whomever will give them back.

Labour is all for conjestion charging and taking traffic away from town centres like Manchester, which I don't think it bad to drive into at anytime. But another tax on us innocent motorists..... heard that before. the_finger.gif

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Imagine being on a 60mph A road behind some old dodderer doing 50mph.

Long straight, vehicle in the far distance approaching, plenty of room for an overtake.

You're half in front of the car you're passing when dodderer speeds up to 58mph. You floor it to get by and speed limiter cuts in at 60mph. You are now on the wrong side of the road, traffic approaching, limited to going 2mph faster than the car you are trying to pass.

Two choices, smash headlong into and be crushed by fast approaching Land Cruiser (see how I got that in!? grin.gif)

Or attempt to slow down and pull back in behind dodderer which should be an interesting challenge as next person in line being held up has pulled up to dodderers back bumper looking for an overtake.

And thats road safety in the future in action for you! smashfreakB.gif

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Plus all the feckwits will simply climb into their cars, and sit with foot planted on floor, after all, the car will keep them legal!

Child looking like it might step into road? Car reversing out of drive up ahead? Torrential rain? Ice? Schools out?

Foot to the floor, right on the speed limit. Well, its legal innit? Flush.gif

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IIRC the AA or RAC did some tests on cars that had artifical speed limiters and found they were highly dangerous.

I drive a merc that has a speed limiter like the one Lodders has, and sure its fine if you set it to go through a set of roadworks or similar, but other than that its a no go. They found people were much slower to react to traffic infront of them, people jumped red lights more, etc, etc. In pretty much every situation that involved the driver reacting to a situation the speed limiters caused problems.

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Plus all the feckwits will simply climb into their cars, and sit with foot planted on floor, after all, the car will keep them legal!

Child looking like it might step into road? Car reversing out of drive up ahead? Torrential rain? Ice? Schools out?

Foot to the floor, right on the speed limit. Well, its legal innit? Flush.gif

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That's a very good point.Just 'cos the speed limit is say 30mph it doesn't mean that it is safe to do that speed on those roads at all times.That's why most speed limits are a farse and it is far more effective to use your own judgement.I don't wanna be doing 30 past the newsagents at 8.30am when there are dozens of kids outside,but would happily at 10pm.Problem with that is,too many morons are on the roads and their idea of judgement would be suicidal! frown.gif

There has to be a better way!

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There has to be a better way!

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stop morons from driving?

...when learning to drive, you could have 3 stages to pass:

1) theory test. same as now, but maybe with less stupid/ambiguous questions

2) practical test. this kinda helps grin.gif

3) personality test. if you're a numskull, then nil poi. no can drive!! 169144-ok.gif

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Bear in mind also that the minute the government get tracking devices into all our cars (to restrict speed based on limits) the very next thing will be "pay to drive" taxes based on mileage.

A good idea in theory, but you can bet your bottom dollar that it'll average out firmly in the governments favour...

And automatic speeding fines as soon as you break the limit. So every time you're in a situation you could accelerate out of you'll be forced to weigh the risk against more automatic points, and of course speeding fines...

Big Brother is watching you... sekret.gif

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Correct, it's the thin end of the wedge. Usage-based tax would of course net the government more money than the current system does, it wouldn't be worth their while otherwise, so it wouldn't happen.

The problem is, no government dare tell the honest truth: The social welfare system is heading for the biggest increase in costs ever known in it's history, and the only way to pay for all this stuff is the good old taxpayer. The situation has been getting worse for years, first the public services have been cut back to keep tax rises to a vote-winning minimum, but I think that's gone as far (too far) as it can, so now the game is raising taxes or alleviating taxes in any way possible.

Do you think the "green" taxes really make the environment better? No, it's revenue to prop the ailing system. Hypothecation allows police forces to fund "road safety" activities (like buying squad cars, laser guns, paying wages, buying uniforms etc) that would previously have come from their budget. Likewise, councils can box clever by "improving road safety" by targetting roads for resurfacing, junction changes, improved lighting, in fact all the things you'd normally expect them to be paying for anyway. A penny saved is a penny earned!

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Do you know what i don't understand?

We elect these people to serve us...not to rule over us and impose this sort of nonsense.

I honstly beleive there will be blood on the streets if somehting as blatant as this is brought in.

At least that is what I would like to think...

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