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CHAVMOBILE Spotting...


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Not technically a chav mobile, but I feel it fits-


The number plate is a couple of characters short but I think it still gets across the sort of owner who sticks a cheap Ebay* 'M' badge on to a poverty 4 pot diesel BMW.

*It's the fact it's faded so badly that leads me to believe it isn't a genuine badge, and the fact it's fitted to a 2.0 TDi.

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Not so sure about that - as it would have instantly made all the 'twin DTM' setups in the 90s illegal.

(Yes, I had one on my Cinquecento...)

Funny you should say that, I'm sure it was the twin DTM exhaust on my Renault 19 16V that sparked the discussion with my friendly MOT tester who said he should fail it, but didn't obviously.

Again, I'm not really sure as it was a long time ago.

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