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CHAVMOBILE Spotting...


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What sort of return on his investment do you think he would get if he tried to sell this? Say it cost £20k to buy the car and a further £5k to make it look this bad. Could he sell it on immediately for as much as the original £20k do you suppose?

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  • 2 weeks later...


For your viewing pleasure, spotted at a local garage last night crazy.gif

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Do you think these guys get really pleased if they see someone taking a photo of their cars... thinking "wow that guy is checking out my car! laugh.gif"

if only they knew.... jump.gif

Oh and that is shocking.

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It's funny you should say that, as the car's owner actually clocked me taking the picture. Luckily for me, he was stuck in a massive queue waiting to pay for his fuel. He looked none too pleased! I got my cash from the cashpoint and scarpered - pronto. UHOH7.GIF

Anyway, the misery continues. Yesterday evening I gave a colleague a lift home from work and parked in his street was this contraption:




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That wing could lift a small plane and must take at least 10mph of the top speed.

Sad as it is, I've evevn seen a Banana yellow Pug 107 with a spoiler like that on the roof (no pics though as trundling down the M6). I was amazed it could even manage 70 NONO3.GIF

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  • 3 weeks later...

mmm, think your right, the headlights are the tell tail bits 169144-ok.gif, what is concerning is, if you listen to the speeding adverts ref 40 - 30 mph reduction and save 80% of kids, then i think that even 30 wont help here, youll just cut them in 2 with that bonnet.....im surprised its even legal....

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