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CHAVMOBILE Spotting...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Smudge! Where did you see that!!!!

I have seen that EXACT car!!! (Unless there is another BAZ marked 5 series in that colour with horrid lights)

About 2-3 weeks ago it passed me the A1 Southbound towards Richmond, North Yorkshire.

I was about 200 yards from my turn-off and he came bombing past doing at least 100 mph with a T5R in pursuit.

I'd completely forgotten about it until I saw that picture!

It looked like an almost brand new 5 series to me too.

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Smudge! Where did you see that!!!!

About 2-3 weeks ago it passed me the A1 Southbound towards Richmond, North Yorkshire.

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Er, strangly headed south on the A1. crazy.gif But I was quite a bit further south, just north of Baldock. He wasn't going that fast this time. Do you think he's lost?


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Smudge! Where did you see that!!!!

About 2-3 weeks ago it passed me the A1 Southbound towards Richmond, North Yorkshire.

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Er, strangly headed south on the A1. crazy.gif But I was quite a bit further south, just north of Baldock. He wasn't going that fast this time. Do you think he's lost?


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I think he's a dick that's for sure!

Certainly the same car, no doubt at all.

Maybe does weekly A1 run somewhere or something like that. He was quite a large guy IIRC.

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Oddly enough I went to a Morrisons today.

In the car park was a dark green Astra ... with a red spoiler on the roof - and I mean on the roof! Not on the tailgate...about a foot back from it on the roof....and it was a twin winged spoiler.

I didn't get a picture as I was in a rush and the occupants were in the car (Chav man - early 30's with Chav wifey I'd guess).

It also had a red rear valance...and red wheel arch flares!

Thing is, it must be a 'work in progress' because the red was like primer and very dull.

Incredible though, I really wish I could have snapped some pics because it stands high on my list of all time worst Chavmobiles!

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Can't you email yourself a multimedia message from your phone till you figure out how to connect it to the PC?

Keeping a camera in your car is great - until it gets nicked (which mine hasn't yet)

I saw some foxy little Honda Civic CRT or something in the petrol station earlier on as well...not really a chav car but here it is anyway


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Iv just laughed so much i had coke coming out my nose. Iv just looked out my window and seen a Black Fiat Panda come by. Crap to start with but it had a wing on the roof. Now to me thats hoping as i dont think thay get above 40mph going down hill with the wind behind them.

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