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Golf MKIV 1.6 Accelleration juddering


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This problem is driving me mad.

When you accellerate at 1800 to 2000rpm in 1st,2nd,3rd the car seems to judder and accelerate unevenly. Heard different things to what this could be guy with TDI had similar sounding problem he replaced his ecu and flywheel it made no difference. But when he replaced his brake and clutch sensor switches the problem disappeared. What do you think???

Also dog bone mounts???

The car has been in to VW dealer numerous times hooked up to ECU and couldn't find anything. They could feel the problem on the test drive but didn't know what it was.

The juddering happens whether the car is warm or cold. My Mk4 Golf is a 1999 S REG 1.6 SE with full VW service history and 50,000 miles.

HELP I'm desperate!!!!! mad.gif

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Currently have the same problem with my Mk4 1999 (T) 1.6 SE. It's in with VW who reckon the ignition leads are incorrect (seems odd as any work that has ever been done on it has been at VW) but they can't be certain until they've changed them (£230 for new ones inc. labour) even then they're not sure it'll fix the issue. I've not accepted they're explaination and am currently waiting for a response before I decide anything,

will update in due course!!

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VW now reckon the gearbox has gone, due to spark plugs being in the wrong sockets (what the feck!!) They changed them on it's 20k service about 6 mths ago. Also, would spark plug locations affect the Gearbox!?!?

Needless to say I'll be speaking to VW whilst holding a big stick this afternoon.

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OOh, something stinks. I can see no correllation between spark plugs in the wrong holes and a failed gearbox, unless the car was juddering so much that the gearbox shook its self to pieces. You wouldn't notice that sort of shaking about, would you!!!!! ROLLEY~14.GIF

How did they manage to get spark plugs in the wrong holes?

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  • 2 months later...

Did you get this resolved? I similiar juddering symtoms on my MK4 1.6SE S Reg and, unfortunately before I got it checked out by the VW garage, within a few days, the gearbox has totally packed up, split the casing and VW garage now want large amounts of money to replace gearbox and clutch. My mileage is only around 50K. I know of a Bora owner whose gearbox popped at around the same mileage also, has this happened to anyone else?

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  • 2 weeks later...

This thread describes my '99 1.6SE precisely. I thought that my throttle cable might be slack.

Never had a compression test. The car also suffers from an irregular idle ('bounces' between 750-950rpm when warm). ECU?

Anyone else had this? Any clues?

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I didn't have a compression test as before I could get it to a garage the gearbox failed completely. When I booked the car in with the VW garage they gave me no sense of urgency, I wish I had taken it there straight away now!

I have had an independent gearbox specialist garage look at the car and rebuild and fix the gearbox for less that half the cost of VW. They have said it is something they have seen before with VW Golf (and Audi) with this engine size and mileage. This is due to the flywheel being riveted on (not bolted on) and the rivet heads breaking off and then when loose, damaging the gearbox and casing. They also seemed to think this would be the case in the new Mk V which has probably put paid to any ideas I might have had in trading mine in for the new model (not that I like the cheaper looking interior!). I originally bought my VW Golf for long-term, but this gearbox problem, and another recent expense when the complete dash had to be replaced due to an intermittent fault with the immobiliser on startup have really put doubts in my mind.

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  • 1 month later...

Has anyone had a resolution to this juddering? I bought a second hand, 99 build date manual 1.6 golf with less then 60K on the clock. It had been juddering like said at low revs in low gears. The n 4days ago it got worse then i heard a crunching noise and then it stopped in the middle of the road. Could not push forward or back. Got towed to the garage and turns out the diff plate is riveted rather then bolted. These rivets sheer off and drop into the gear box. Mechanic showed me the busted parts. First couple must have fallen off and some of the others (next day) when falling off fell into the cogs, all the gears were busted. I was lucky not to be going at speed or there would have been sparks. I have been told that this fault was replaced in later models, and that they can go anywhere between 45-120K at little warning. So once replaced i am hoping the juddering is gone. Does anyone know if there is any comeback from VW on faulty gear? Anyone heard anymore on this??

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  • 2 weeks later...

i just got hit with a massive bill this juddering is from rivets popping inside ur gearbox, and the shaft punches out the other side depending on how bad it is,its costin me about €1800 or £1500 sterling to get it sorted so best to get ur cars in soon and get it sorted

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  • 3 months later...


My 2000 1.6 8v golf mk4 (65k) "dropped" its box last year, symptoms were instantaneous and felt like clutch had gone as engine revved ok but just not goin anywhere!! app cogs in box collapsed to tune of £1350 for re-con and also told this was common fault known to vw!!!. Recently my throttle "ghosts" up and down to 6k revs on its own (dirty throttle housing)and fixed,also cuts out completely on rare occasions and sounds like running on 3 cylinders with faint knock which is worrying!! non-vw garage currently checkin usual stuff like maf, coils, ecu, ignition/electrics, lambda sensors so ill keep u guys posted......

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I ALSO have this problem, T reg '99 1.6SE 8v... what the hell is going on!? My extended warranty is going to run out in a month so I would love to be able to get this sorted under this. Are there any solutions??? Is it definitely this gear box rivet causing the rough idling?? How do I make the gear box "break" before the warranty runs out. ANY HELP will be appreciated, thanks guys!

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i used to have a golf and i had this problem.there may be a build up of crap in ur fuel injection system....you can buy fuel injection system cleaner in most petrol stations.if this doesnt solve the prob it may well be ur gearbox...most(60%) vw gearboxes 1.4 1.6 sdi... will break around 50k.this is because of the rivots in the box.if your sure its the gearbox causing the prob get it fixed asap before each gear starts breaking one by one.itl start to rattle first,at this point u can take it to a gearbox repairer who will replace the rivots with a bolt kit.around £200-£300. second hand gearboxes would cost £350- up to £700.they are scarce.hope this helps

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Interestin comments...also about gearbox bein rare seems true cos my local specialist took 3 weeks to source a decent refurbed box for mine. On subject of idle/rev probs mine did everything from "ghost" rev to 5k+ when im at lights, idled between 880-2k and random stalling at any speed!, just had new ht leads and throttle housing cleaned and this solved probs apart from idle still fluctuating as above..ho hummm

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Yeh, I've already tried fuel injector cleaner, also the stealers have cleaned out the throttle body a few times. I think i will try replcaing the sparks and HT leads. I replaced the coil pack from a 1.4 16v because I did hear somewhere that these caused problems. Will VW take a look at the gearbox and fix it if they see things going wrong? Or will I have to wait until it breaks?

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vw wil fix it but u'll pay for it.my mate rick1983 used to hav a 1.4 16v(so did i) but his gearbox broke a month before mine and he took his to vw,(i learnt from his mistake) it cost £1300 £1400 if i rmbr rightly.they will replace ur broken parts with brand new parts plus replace pretty much everything connected to that part.(u know how they work).rick got a new gearbox and clutch.if ur still in warranty,fair enough,if not take it to a recommended mechanic,he will do the job right as he works for himself and will want ur custom in the future...........

when my gearbox broke on my golf i took it to a gearbox repairer and he put a bolt kit into it.£250 plus fittin £90.it last a f**king week cuz he rung one of the bolts(bloody Tosser) FIREdevil.gif so then i had to look for a second hand gearbox and got one from a 1.4 golf 16v with the bolt kit already in it.sold the car about a year ago and friendly with the guy who bought it and its goin really well.

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