Ari Posted March 23, 2005 Report Share Posted March 23, 2005 Had a thorough test drive of a BMW Z4 2.2 today, so thought I'd report my findings. Bit of background, been driving an Audi 1.8T Cabriolet for a couple of years, first a non Sport 03, and then at the beginning of last year I got a 1.8T Sport version. I've been very pleased with the car, especially the Sport version which neatly answered all the criticisms I had of the first one (mainly seats and suspension). But I like to keep the radar going for suitable replacements ready for when the time comes, and the Z4, whilst a different sort of car, checks in at just under £25K, very close to Audi A4 1.8T Cabrio money, and slap bang on my personal budget target. I picked the car up after lunch from my local, and very friendly and helpful, BMW dealer. The car was Black Sapphire Metallic with Dream Red leather. Options were (from memory) Carver hi fi, 18 inch alloy wheels, parking sensors, and a wind deflector. Initial impressions, well the first thing to strike me was the length of the bonnet! I know sports cars are occasionally referred to as penis extensions, but this was rediculous! I considered posting D on the end like a figurehead with a two way radio so she could warn me of impending weather conditions at that end of the car in case I needed to switch the lights on or something as the nose moved into a new weather zone before I followed it at the driving end! Also, looking round the car, the interior quality, plastics, switchgear etc, whilst nice didn't appear up to (admittedly first class) Audi standards. Remote control hood was a lovely touch, as was the 12 second time it took to fold, although in part that was due to it not having a lidded storage area to drop into so not as neatly packed as the Audi once down. Also, from inside the hood motor was increadably noisy compared to my Audi. The Audi hood folds with a gentle whine of hydraulics and motors, the BMW drops with a roar of a big electric motor! Not Audi sophisticated then, although certainly no disappointment. Other touches, open the boot and the inside of the bootlid doesn't feature the nice finish of the Audi, although the boot itself (whilst obviously smaller than mine) was surprisingly spacious for a sports car. Sitting in the car there was plenty of room and the seats were comfortable, although again, spoilt as I am by the fabulous sport seats of my Audi, the BMW chairs fell short with less under thigh support, no squab length adjustment and no lumber support adjustment. Certainly not uncomfortable however, far from it in fact. As I say, I'm spoilt. Raising the hood obviously made the car feel more enclosed, although not oppresively so, and the inside of the hood was nicely lined. It just all felt a little second class after the Audi. Bits that looked like aluminium (like the steering wheel spokes and roll bars) were obviously plastic. There was no digital display or dual zone to the climite control. The trip computer was a single small dot matrix display rather than the very smart triple readout set up of the Audi. No stereo info either on it (funny how you miss stuff like that). Doors shut with a bit of a clang too... Turning the key brought one of the cars first real strengths into play, the wonderful silky smooth classic straight six BMW motor. Now it was showing where it starts to claw back some ground on the Audi... Nosing it out of the forcourt onto the road, that huge bonnet immediately becomes apparent again, you do seem to sit right at the back of the car, although its something you quickly get acclimatised to. We eased off down the road, getting the feel of it. Second punch to the Audi, the gear change. What road testers always refer to as a "rifle bolt" change, the shift was short of throw and wonderfully precise, making me want to snick up and down the box just for the hell of it. Out onto the ring road, picking up the pace a bit but still in traffic the car felt taut and alive. Steering was amazingly direct but not nervous, again better than the Audi I'd say, noticably but not significently. First roundabout out onto a short stretch of dual carriageway gave me the chance to start to experiment with the handling. The car changes direction beautifully. If you crane your head and use binoculars you can just see the nose of the car, several miles further up the road, respond immediately to the merest touch of the wheel. The car corners dead flat and very confidently, a feeling of balance urging you on. Onto the dual carriageway, second gear, foot to the floor and... Well not as much as I'd expected actually. The engine is sublime, so smooth its like you're being towed by another car and with a lovely zzzzing to the exhaust, but for a car boasting 7.7 secs to 60 it just didn't feel that quick. Actually it was fairly spritely, but the nature of the power delivery is such that power builds steadily through-out the rev range, giving its best at the top end. My turbo 1.8T gives strong low to mid range pull giving a much more effortless feel with power flooding in at low revs, but at the expense of the top end thrust of the BMW motor. Indeed I would find that every time I wanted to get up and go I'd snap down a gear or two instictively, whereas in the Audi I'd just squeeze the power on and let the low end thrust surge me forward. I'm not sure this is a criticism of the BMW mill, more a characteristic. More fun when you're on a charge, less pleasant from a fast effortless cruise point of view. Up to motorway speeds and another thing became apparent. Wind buffeting. We had the side windows up and the wind deflector in place, but the amount of wind buffeting was noticably greater than in my Audi. It was a sunny but slightly chilly Spring day, and whilst the inside of the car was (with the aid of the heater) as warm as you'd want it, ones extremeties (ears, nose, top of the head) were feeling the chill. Be fine on a hot summer day, but there would be days when I could drop the hood on the Audi, but not on this Beemer. To be fair a lot of this is down to the two seater nature of the car meaning no glass aft of the front door glass. I've noticed exactly the same (in fact probably slightly worse) with Audi's TT Roadster. Put it this way though, we were wearing coats, and we wouldn't have been in the Audi. Off the dual carriageway and into heavy traffic for 15 mins before we could let loose again, so time to see how the top of the range 10 speaker 430 watt hi fi compared with the Bose system installed in my own car. I'd brought along a favourite CD with extremely good quality recording to try it out. It was good. Very good. Superb bass, better than the Bose, and a more powerful feel (as you'd perhaps hope with 430 watts in a smal car!) Playing the same CD immediately afterward on the Bose I felt that the Bose was "purer", and maybe a smidgin clearer, but there was nothing in it really. I'm delighted with my Bose, but I'd be equally delighted with the Carver system in the Z4, they're both kickin' sound systems (if I might be permitted brief parlance of youth!) Another roundabout signalled the start of a much lengthier stretch of fast dual carriageway and the opportunity to test something I'd come specifically to this piece of road to try. The cars ability to play "limo" and cruise long distance comfortably. I can't stand noisy uncomfortable cars, and the Audi really scores here, with awsome roof up comfort and quietness to rival an executive saloon. A red light at the roundabout gave me chance to raise the top, 12 seconds furled to erect (easy tiger!). Something I'd never risk in the Audi, its near 30 second open to close leading to a squirm inducing cacophony of horns as the lights go green halfway through hood operation... Round the roundabout and a blast up through the gears savouring that wonderful wonderful straight six snarl had us up to motorway speeds in no time at all and we settled to a 70-80mph cruise and examined our surroundings. Well, its a sportscar. A two seater roadster, sporty, lightweight(ish) and fun. And its not noisy. You can converse no problem or listen to the radio. But its far from silent, and the payoff for that darting flat cornering is now with a jittery ride that wasn't uncomfortable, just a little bit irritating... Again, it is what it is, and for what it is its good. An hours zip up the motorway would be no problem at all. But a third of the way through the 600 mile motorway trip I do from time to time in my Audi I think I'd find it annoying. Two thirds in it'd be approaching the irritating stage and by the 600 mile point I'd be phoning Audi and asking what they'd give in p/x for a certain Z4 I think... But this needs putting into perspective. It is not bad. Indeed, compared to many roadsters its probably very good. But the Audi knocks it into a cocked hat for relaxed comfortable hushed long distance cruising. Pulling off the dual carriageway and pausing only for a few quick pix, we hit the B roads and started threading our way back toward the BMW dealer. Roof back down, shades on, snicking up and down that click click gearbox and savouring the sound bouncing back off stone walls and bridge parapets, and the Z was back to doing what it does best. The car is a roadster, and this was roadster heaven. The way the car changes direction and the way it corners dead flat. The enthusiasm with which the tacho needle hunts down the redline. The feeling of a lack of inertia that a smaller lighter weight car than I'm used to gives you. It really is a super motor and a lot of fun. It puts the sport in sportscar for sure. Back at the dealers and a last look around before swapping back into my Audi. It is a lovely car and we enjoyed it. It isn't as nicely finished or, to be honest, as expensive feeling and special as the Audi, witness the bits of hood mechanism on show when the top is down. It doesn't cruise as well, and long journeys, whilst perfectly possible, wouldn't be dispatched with the same effortless distain my A4 can muster, but the trade off to that is the fun of the B road, this cars natural habitat. So, the million dollar question, would I have one in preference to my Audi? Its the same money give or take, and it is a damn nice car. Not as nice a car as the Audi perhaps, but arguably a better drive . Well, if I had an Audi A6 for every day and wanted something for the weekend (sir), yes I think I would. But I don't. My Audi A4 Cabrio is my only car and it has to fulfill the role of everything from weekend funster to long distance tourer. And it does that amazingly well. Its a nicer place to be than the Z4, it has back seats and a bigger boot, its quiter, more effortless to drive, and more comfortable. As we drove away in the Audi, hood down of course and retraced some of the route I felt the A4 Cabrio was as a drive 90% of the Z4. But as a car, the Z4 is only 70% of the Audi. For me, the Audi wins, no question. For you it might not, and I wouldn't knock you for choosing the Z4, its a great little car. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ari Posted March 23, 2005 Author Report Share Posted March 23, 2005 Just as an example of what I meant above about the detail finish, this is the rear corner of the cabin of both cars with the hood folded. Arguably the BMW is better (in that it folds faster) but the execution of the Audi is far superior. BMW: Audi: Similarly the boot lining. Nothing wrong with the BMW... But this is Audi... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chav Posted March 23, 2005 Report Share Posted March 23, 2005 Lack of detail like that would annoy me as well to be honest. But that aside, who the hell designed that wind deflector? Have you got a more zoomed in shot of it? just to confirm its brutish ugliness. Looks like it would impose on the roof down experience too much too. It's half solid. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ari Posted March 23, 2005 Author Report Share Posted March 23, 2005 The two roll bars (behind the seats) are fixed, a bit like the Audi TT. The deflector is the mesh bit that fits in and between them. You don't see or notice it when driving at all (other than less buffeting of course). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yen77 Posted March 23, 2005 Report Share Posted March 23, 2005 very nice. you need to take out a tt roadster and compare the 3 now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chav Posted March 23, 2005 Report Share Posted March 23, 2005 Ok. Have you got a shot of the interior too? The colour combo looks quite nice, so would be interesting to see if that translates into a luxury appearance too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RossG Posted March 23, 2005 Report Share Posted March 23, 2005 Nice review! I love the Z4. Think it looks like an absolute honey. Surpirsed by the lack of detail and finishing though... What did you think of the performance of the 2.2. DO you think it is quick enough to satisfy in general day to day stuff. Does it feel like a quick car, or is it more of a slow small roadster with a gorgeous engine noise? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ari Posted March 23, 2005 Author Report Share Posted March 23, 2005 I had a TT Roadster for a day, I weas leant it as a courtesy car when mine was in being serviced once. It was a good fun car, but I feel it is a little dated now. I'd have a Z4 over a TT Roadster for sure I think. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chav Posted March 23, 2005 Report Share Posted March 23, 2005 [ QUOTE ] I'd have a Z4 over a TT Roadster for sure I think. [/ QUOTE ] I've never liked the TT roadster. It looks silly and girly IMO, and yes... very dated! It looks completely different to the TT coupe, and suffers because of it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ari Posted March 23, 2005 Author Report Share Posted March 23, 2005 [ QUOTE ] Ok. Have you got a shot of the interior too? The colour combo looks quite nice, so would be interesting to see if that translates into a luxury appearance too. [/ QUOTE ] Sorry, just checked and I didn't take one of the inside for some reason, sorry! The red was quite striking, but a little too red for my taste, I'd prefer a slightly more subdued hue. With the black I'd go for a tan type colour I think, but I'd probably have that nice grey metallic that all the press cars seemed to be, with black leather. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ari Posted March 23, 2005 Author Report Share Posted March 23, 2005 [ QUOTE ] What did you think of the performance of the 2.2. DO you think it is quick enough to satisfy in general day to day stuff. Does it feel like a quick car, or is it more of a slow small roadster with a gorgeous engine noise? [/ QUOTE ] It went well once I got used to revving it, but the first time I floored it I was disappointed because I'm used to low down torque. I think the 2.5 might just give it that bit more edge though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ian_m Posted March 23, 2005 Report Share Posted March 23, 2005 very interesting read Ari I am testing a Z4 3.0 on Friday, but if I am honest I may cancel, depending on some calls tomorrow about a certain boxster! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ari Posted March 23, 2005 Author Report Share Posted March 23, 2005 I'd try it, I liked the car more than I expected. Ultimately I don't think it is for me, but if you are looking at cars like the Boxster I'd say try the Z4 at least. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NewNiceMrMe Posted March 23, 2005 Report Share Posted March 23, 2005 That's a very interesting review Ari. You've obviously tried to adopt as fair a stance as possible throughout. However, do you not think that to compare the finish/detail of a Roadster to the same on an A4 Cab is a little stretching it? What I mean by that is that a comparison to the A4's direct competitor, say a 318 or 320 Convertible would reveal the hood finishing and detail that you highlighted as faults. The 2.2 isn't a very good example of the Z4 anyway, and I think you'd be right to stay with your A4 for the everyday drive. Ride quality is obviously going to be very different too, because a Roadster driver generally doesn't want the long distance comfort that you get in the A4 - and vice versa. However, you do acknowledge that in many of your comments and I found it well written and nicely structured. An easy read. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ian_m Posted March 23, 2005 Report Share Posted March 23, 2005 I will probably still test the Z4 as it is 6 months newer than the boxster and 5k less! but if I am honest I am sooooo with the boxster it will have to be something really special!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ari Posted March 23, 2005 Author Report Share Posted March 23, 2005 [ QUOTE ] However, do you not think that to compare the finish/detail of a Roadster to the same on an A4 Cab is a little stretching it? [/ QUOTE ] Totally agree that the 3 Series Cabrio is much more the natural A4 Cabrio competitor. The comparison here is more based on my own choices and the price of the cars. I looked at the 3 Series Cabrio when I first looked at the A4 as it is the natural rival, but much prefered the A4. For me now, the Z4 is a bona fida alternative to my car simply because its the same price more or less, and it have different strengths and weaknesses to my car. I've tried to stress the roadster/tourer differences in the review, and I compared the Z4 to my car simply because for me it is the alternative. But you're quite right, anyone looking at an A4 would be more likely to consider the 3 Series normally. As I say, I did originally. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thorburn Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 What suspension did the 2.2 have? Our 3.0 has the sports pack as standard and is on 18" wheels and the ride can be a bit hard at times, but is infinitely better than our old Z3 2.8.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gino128 Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 Ari As all reviews should be, this was honest and to the point (maybe I shold take a few tips!!) It was a really interesting review. I am at work thinking to myself "I'll just have a quick look before getting on with something" but 10 minutes later I am still reading!!! I have got to agree with your comments about the roof and the interior. There is something quite intense and functional about BMW interiors, whereas the Audi's are equally functional, without any of the acute "coldness" of the bmw. You've hit the nail on the head with the engine though. I find my 325ci 6-cylinder very slow on the pick up at low revs, but get her above 4500rpm and there is a notable difference in pulling power. Reminds me of the RX-8 I test drove back in December last year....good at low revs, but monstrous higher up the range. The low-rev pull of the Cab 1.8t is more rewarding on a day to day basis I would say. You are more likely to benefit form the turbio at low revs, more often than you would higher torque at 5000revs (unless you thrash the car all the time!!!) Top review and a pleasure to read! Gino Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeakerBuddy Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 Great review, thanks! Watched a 5th gear episode this week (not sure if new or old with so many repeats on Sky) with the Boxster S and I think the bigger engined Z4. They were impressive on the track, Tiff vs Plato, and they couldn't split them really. They, however, didn't judge them on finish or practicalities...just speed and handling. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Newbie123 Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 Would agree with everything you've said Ari. As a previous A4 cab owner and current Z4 2.2 owner I have so say that was an excellent and comprehensive review . I love my Z4 and for the driving I do (mainly commuting and A & B road driving) it's perfect. But the Audi certainly did have that extra touch of class and comfort about it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
richy_uk Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 [ QUOTE ] Great review, thanks! Watched a 5th gear episode this week (not sure if new or old with so many repeats on Sky) with the Boxster S and I think the bigger engined Z4. They were impressive on the track, Tiff vs Plato, and they couldn't split them really. They, however, didn't judge them on finish or practicalities...just speed and handling. [/ QUOTE ] The Boxster in that test wasn't an S. Nice review Ari. Thing about Z4's is that I can't get over the Z3 stigma of dodgy American build quality. Compare a basic 3 series to a Z4 and you'll see the difference. But even a 3 series can't touch Audi interiors !!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeakerBuddy Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 [ QUOTE ] The Boxster in that test wasn't an S. [/ QUOTE ] I stand corrected, thank you sir. I knew I wasn't paying as much attention as I should, spent most of my time thinking 'what would I do if the back end went that far out?' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
richy_uk Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 Yeah, that was just crap, deliberate show boating for the purposes of TV. I think if they did a proper Top Gear Stig type test of fastest round the track, the Porsche may have shown more of an advantage. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NewNiceMrMe Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 [ QUOTE ] Yeah, that was just crap, deliberate show boating for the purposes of TV. I think if they did a proper Top Gear Stig type test of fastest round the track, the Porsche may have shown more of an advantage. [/ QUOTE ] They did that on Top Gear. Raced an S2000, Z4 and Boxster 3.2S. The Z4 was the 3.0 litre and came third. The S2000 was 0.2 seconds faster and the Boxster 3.2S won by about 0.5 second - but it was all a very close ran thing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
loddrik Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 I have a bad feeling that the reason that S2000 from the other day may have had a slight edge was that I may have variocam issues. May be nothing but I have a slightly offbeat idle, one of the sighns of Variocam issues. On the other hand, may just be an airmass sensor etc. In for service on friday so fingers tightly crossed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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