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Been to a local dealer today and when I asked about delivery times the sales person said 6 months minimum.

And when I asked about any discount he laughed with his colleagues and said forget it!!!

Sorry VW but you have lost the chance of a £25k sale.

A3 it is then!!!


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I was in my dealer today and he said he had been saying the same thing to customers recently - 6 month wait and if you mess about too long getting finance etc before buying you might miss out on allocation completely. VW are apparently very near 6000 allocation limit for GTI for this year.

Why *should* the salesman give you the discount when he can easily (several times over) sell it at (or above if he was allowed) RRP?


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Suppose im more suprised at how the sales team didn't really give a sh*t and sneered at me when i asked (like most customers do) for a discount.

I know full well this car is in demand but even though I thought I was pushing my luck askin for some money off I didn't expect to be practically laughed out the shop!

At the end of the day I can get an A3 with the same engine and gearbox, with discount and only a 3 month wait so all is not lost. wink.gif

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Been to a local dealer today and when I asked about delivery times the sales person said 6 months minimum.

And when I asked about any discount he laughed with his colleagues and said forget it!!!

Sorry VW but you have lost the chance of a £25k sale.

A3 it is then!!!

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Do you think VW are that bothered if they lose a sale to Audi? Your money still ends up in their bank account.....

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Good dealers are few and far between. It shouldn't matter what the allocation is or how many they have sold, they should never laugh at you for asking what is a perfectly reasonable question. It's a 25 grand car for fecks sake!!!! Deals can be had all the time, even on cars that are sought after. He is just a w4nker, so you've done the right thing... feck em!

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Good dealers are few and far between. It shouldn't matter what the allocation is or how many they have sold, they should never laugh at you for asking what is a perfectly reasonable question. It's a 25 grand car for fecks sake!!!! Deals can be had all the time, even on cars that are sought after. He is just a w4nker, so you've done the right thing... feck em!

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Good point , I agree however I would go to a better dealer not change the type of car I'm going to buy. My dealer has been great from start to finish and managed to negotiate a small discount.

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znaika.gif Just had a look on the VW web-site and there are nearly 5 pages of used or Demonstrator Golf GTi's out there???? Why not haggle for a used deal if the delivery dates are being messed up and demand in outstripped by VW supply?? confused.gif
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znaika.gif Just had a look on the VW web-site and there are nearly 5 pages of used or Demonstrator Golf GTi's out there???? Why not haggle for a used deal if the delivery dates are being messed up and demand in outstripped by VW supply?? confused.gif

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Because at the moment you pay more for a secondhand GTI thatn you do a new one, probably due to the wait. That's certainly true of the ones immediatedly available around here. PLus of course if you have a particular spec in mind, you're unlikely to find a car exactly the same.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I wonder does country matter, I ordered mine in April, given a build date of ww23 (next week 1st week june) and should have delivery end of june. This is dealer telling me.

I live in Ireland, and car will be in KM/per hour as we are here now...wonder if this matters.............will keep you posted 123576-assfeck.gif <font color="blue"> </font>

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Try using the forum's search facility on "New-Car-Discount". It shows up the following thread http://www.tyresmoke.net/ubbthreads/show...true#Post344739, which doesn't reveal too much info, but atleast someone who has checked them out apparently.

p.s. Are you based in Henley-on-Thames, Henley, or is that simply your name? I'm based in Reading, but work in Henley-on-Thames. Send me a Tyresmoke PM (personal msg), if you do live/work in Henley-on-Thames.

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My stealer called me first thing this morning to say my car is complete and waiting shipment to the UK. He said it should be in this country within a few days and will call me when it is.

I'm starting to get a little excited now! ECLIPSe.gif

So assuming I get it in the next 2 weeks that's basically 4 months from placing the order to collecting.

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Hey AndyW,

You chose a gr8 colour there. I'm getting lots of favourable comments from people at work, and neighbours about my 5dr steel grey.

The red lip around the grill really works well with the grey.

Since delivery of my GTI mid May, I've only crossed one Tornado Red on the road from Reading to Oxford (who gave me a flash of the headlights) and another 5 dr steel grey in Henley-on-Thames, cruising through the town centre cool.gif

Love the Laser Blue too, and my wife wants ANOTHER GTI in Candy White. Let me speak to my bank manager yelrotflmao.gif

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Yeah I love the steel grey colour. I originally went in with the intention to order black but when I saw a steel grey one waiting to be collected at the dealers I knew that was what I had to have!

Typically the only other GTI I've seen on the roads around here so far lives up my street just a few houses away! They got their red 5 door last week. Hope they don't think I'm keeping up with the Jones' and copying them!

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