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In Response to Honda Civic Type R post


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I have been reading the comments from Journeyman about his CTR. (Now, in what i'm about to comment should take nothing away from CTR's as I think they a brill cars, so don't maul me)

Well, I have a Golf 1.8 20v Turbo. I admit its chipped, but to 197BHP, similar to that of a CTR?

My best mate has a CTR 2003. In a straight line over approx 1/4 mile of road, I beat him every single time.

The CTR has too much power to keep grip at high rev's when the Vtec kicks in, in 1st and 2nd gear.

So, conclusion, I think an R32 would be faster, if my little one is.

However, i do struggle to keep up on twisty roads, due to the CTR's Torque out of corners.

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However, i do struggle to keep up on twisty roads, due to the CTR's Torque out of corners.

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You're joking right? A high reving, 200bhp, normally aspirated engine having more torque than a turbocharged one producing similar power at much lower revs.....

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Well, im guessing that is why?

Pulling out of corners, CTR always pulls away from me.

Standing start, I'll eat it alive. (Only because he struggles for grip and Vtec doesn't kick in till 6K rpm and my turbo starts at 2.5 - 3k)

I have no real idea, but guessing the torque is the factor?

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