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3 step feck up!!


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Ok, Megs 3 step deep crystal is hard work. Worth it mind, but sometimes you don't have 4 or 5 hours available to do it properly! Anyway, it has been known for me to cheat, and only do steps 2 and 3 (I'm sure I'm not alone on this wink.gif).

Anyway, having just changed my car I thought I'd give it a good polish. Being a new car (to me) I should really have gone the whole hog, but I was out all day yesterday at an E36 meet so it wouldn't have really been fair to the other half to spend all day today doing car stuff too! So having washed and dried it I did just steps 2 and 3 (polish and wax) to save on time.

Or did I?? Nope. As I was putting the wax on (step 3) I realised I'd just used step 1 instead of 2. No fecking polish at all!! Bo11ox. frown.gif

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If you're the kind of person who tends to cut corners from time to time, then a 3-step system may not be best for you! LOL

There's nothing particularly wrong with what you've done, so don't worry about it.

But if you don't like spending hours going through the 3-steps then it'd be a good idea to invest in a bottle of Gold Class or NXT wax or any other good polishing wax for that matter - you'd then be able to cut-out the step 2 polish. I'd recommend you do this if the paintwork is already in decent condition.

But like I said, it really depends on the condition of the paintwork to begin with, which I obviously haven't seen.

When you come to do it again, just start off with the step 1 paint cleaner then follow up with your chosen polishing wax... simple!

You mentioned the 3-steps being hard work... did you mean in terms of removal?

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