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GHD Hair Straighteners


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Just blew up in my wifes hand as she was doing her hair. Smoke coming out of the handle where the cable looks as though it's kinked and twisted through to the wire.

Still, could've been worse I suppose. I could've been doing it for her. tongue.gif

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They were on Watchdog or some other consumer prog, very dodgy switches for what is a high voltage piece of kit shorting out and giving quite a few people nasty surprises....

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they were, yes! my missus has got some and swears by them. I also use them on my hair from time to time.... sekret.gif Just dont tell the lads down the rugby club!! shocked.gif

When she bought hers, there was a statement inside the box about the issue with blowing up etc. and it stated that this one was the latest design with the issue resolved and an extended warranty or something.... ices_blah.gif

Anyway, yes, they are good and safe! 169144-ok.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

I bought my missus some of these the other week. I can get them for about £75 so if you want any PM me and I'll put you in touch with the guys I got mine (or rather hers) from.

They are the MK3 versions. I have no idea if they are any good or not, my missus kept bleating on about them and I'm hoping they save ME some time by speeding her preparation time up!

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