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Should I buy an S4 Cab? Advice needed!!!


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I had a very similar dilema when looking for mine. The only colours that were available at sensible money were Brill red and Sprint and I wasn't sure about either. Wasted ages waiting for the right car to come up. Finally realised I'd have to compromise. As it turns out I'm extremely happy with the brill red (although I don't think I could say the same if I'd bought sprint).

Have you driven one yet? Assuming it's a manual you may find it doesn't suit, if cruising is what you do most (many people find the 'box & clutch awkward around time).

However beware that the engine is seriously addictive, the wheezy 1.8T would never seem the same again.

The price sounds good to me. I'd be tempted in you situation.



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Gizze certainly seems to know about getting a good deal.

Also you'd find it harder to swap your S4 sprint cab when you inevitably decide you want to change again, e.g for black one or B7 one etc.

Quite shocking that S4 cabs are already available for less than I paid for my 3.0 cab though.

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That was one of the things that first attracted me to be honest - an S4 at a 3.0 price!

That's another good point re the B7 though - cheers 169144-ok.gif

Anyway, earlier I said I was going to go and have another look this afternoon well I've decided against it. I'm gonna stick with my 1.8T for the time being and go ahead and get the stage 2 done next week. If the guys desperate to sell the S4 then I'm sure I'll hear from him, I think it needs to be a bit cheaper to convince me 100% though - to save any more confusion hopefully I won't hear anything!!! suicide.gif

Once again thanks for all the comments guys - I feel I've been saved from buying something I would probably regret beerchug.gif

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Don't buy an S4 for prestige.

Many more people are aware of the M-brand and especially the M3.


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Have to say I agree with you there but only because Audi were caught napping and as a consequence allowing BMW to flood the market with M branded cars.

No denying that the M cars are desirable, well 'sorted' so to speak and nine out of ten current M3 owners will probably go for the next gen M3 as well. This is the real problem for Audi, how do they convert M3 owners into Audi S or RS brand owners.

As someone else said , the S brand has always been a bit of a Q car, undeniably refined etc, but fairly annoymous on the road when compared to an M3. The M3 has a hell of alot of presence on the road, exactly what the RS4 has.

So if Audi were to focus more on developing the RS brand would this have more appeal than an M3 ?, only time will tell I guess but the new RS4 is a bloody good start, but I don't think Audi will be a serious contender until the new B8 platform comes out.

Just my Tuesday lunchtime ten cents worth grin.gif

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I think you're doing the right thing. I can't see the point in buying something just because it's a good price. If somebody offered you an elephant at half price, would you buy it?

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Would you be prepared to throw in the sticky buns they eat..? UHOH7.GIF

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[Anyway, earlier I said I was going to go and have another look this afternoon well I've decided against it. I'm gonna stick with my 1.8T for the time being and go ahead and get the stage 2 done next week. If the guys desperate to sell the S4 then I'm sure I'll hear from him, I think it needs to be a bit cheaper to convince me 100% though - to save any more confusion hopefully I won't hear anything!!! suicide.gif

Once again thanks for all the comments guys - I feel I've been saved from buying something I would probably regret beerchug.gif

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I think you've made the right move. It may have seemed a steal, but lets face it, if he could sell it for more then he would, so presumably no one's willing to pay more for it so presumably it isn't actually worth any more.

"Unusual" colours can have a dramatic effect on value, and therefore it might not just be a factor that it wouldn't be your choice, but it could be a huge factor when it is your turn to try and dispose of it.

Compromising on a colour that wouldn't be your first choice is fine if the deal is right and it's a colour you know plenty others like and indeed choose (for example if you didn't like Moro Blue at least you know plenty do and choose it), but that Sprint could potentially be a liability...

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"Unusual" colours can have a dramatic effect on value, and therefore it might not just be a factor that it wouldn't be your choice, but it could be a huge factor when it is your turn to try and dispose of it.

Compromising on a colour that wouldn't be your first choice is fine if the deal is right and it's a colour you know plenty others like and indeed choose (for example if you didn't like Moro Blue at least you know plenty do and choose it), but that Sprint could potentially be a liability...

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It's ironic really because I had to talk my mate out of a Phoenix Yellow M3 (no offence to anyone who has one) last week in exactly the same circumstances - car was cheap but he wasn't sure about the colour! I know it's down to personal preference but you have got to take into consideration what's going to happen when you come to sell it and I'm sure there's plenty of people that have learnt the hard with colours like Sprint Blue and Phoenix Yellow SPericani2.gif

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I think you're doing the right thing. I can't see the point in buying something just because it's a good price. If somebody offered you an elephant at half price, would you buy it?

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Would you be prepared to throw in the sticky buns they eat..? UHOH7.GIF

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Is there an elephant going cheap then too? pengy.gif God I would love an elephant for the garden. Fabulous. Real talking point. 169144-ok.gif

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That's what I was thinking UBM.

So if you bought a £28k-£29k 04 plate S4 cab with 8,000 miles, you would only lose the same money, if not less, in 3 years than if you bought a new 05 plate 3.0 s-line or sport cab? blush.gif

The new 3.0 s-line cab I looked at around Easter was £29,300.

In 3 years I think that would also be down to the £20k mark.

Interesting. coffee.gif

Edit: typos smashfreakB.gif

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