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RS6 - 1month review


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Seeing as i did one hell of a drive to the South of France in the red peril i thought it was about time i posted up my thoughts on the car..where possible i'll try to draw comparisons to my ownership of the S4 Avant.

First thoughts after pickup...smooth, considering this thing has 450Bhp the delivery in drive makes it very driveable around town. Sports mode is well...different altogether.

The engine note was amazingly different to the S4, i've since been told that this was down to one being belt etc etc.

Suprisingly the ride i find to be a lot smoother than the S4, perhaps this is down to DRC this is on roads and over bumps.

Thoughts on my trip down to the South of France in it.

Apart from the fuel consumption (average of 19mpg sat at an average of just over 80mph) the trip went well, i'm not naive enough to have bought an RS6 and be suprised with Fuel consumption.

The car just ate the miles up, the seats are so comfy its unbelievable, perhaps not as supportive as my S4 ones but i cant complain. The french roads are perfect for it, lots of nicely tarmac'd roads and lovely sweeping bends (especially the further south you go)

I got out of the car after nearly 18 hours of driving and didn't have a hint of backpain, a slightly stiff neck but that's gonna happen in any car.

The car was faultless, no hiccups at all and the reaction of the French to the RS6 was amazing, even in Monaco the car drew a lot of attention, i even had a Clarkson moment as a policeman on the Autoroute asked me to go past him and he made sure he had his window down.

The Satnav was faultless also, works very well in France and thankfully the TMC function also worked (come on Audi UK sort it out!)

The one thing i do prefer is that the 6 tends to draw less attention than my S4 did. In the S4 i was forever getting Scooby and M3 owners trying to race me (not interested) and tbh it got a bit tiring...this doesn't happen in the 6..or at least hasn't happened yet.

One bad thing is the squeeky brakes. This apparently is caused by a buildup of brake dust and as long as you can keep on top of jet washing the discs/housings the problem doesn't seem to be as bad.

Last but not least, the available boot space in the Avant is huge in comparison to the 4 Avant (which is what made me swap.

Just thought i'd jot some thoughts down, its by no means a hugely technical review but one more aimed at ownership.

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I was interested to read about the brake squeal because it's something that I used to get on both of my M3's.

I found the easiest way to stop it was that after washing and drying the car take it for a short spin. Say no more than a mile if you can get a spurt of decent 0-60 in there. It pretty much shakes all the standing water off the discs/wheels and, hey presto, the brakes stopped squealing from thereon.

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Have to say I wasnt (to my surprise) blown away by the acceleration of the RS6 at the Audi Experience day, good though it was.

What REALLY blew me away was the braking. Fantastic brakes on that thing - I guess they need to be with that kind of speed/weight!

Handling was great in the wet too.

Dont get me wrong, the thing is fast. But my expectations of a car with over 2 and a half times the power of the fastest thing I had ever driven were not met. I guess this is because the delivery is so smooth, rahter than being agressive and stunning like I expected.

Fabulous car in every way.

Particularly good was deliberately spinning it and trying to catch it in the wet!

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