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Dell Axim X30 drivers


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Hello all,

Bit stuck at work at the moment as we have misplaced the companion CD that came with a Dell Axim X30 PDA, and don't have any drivers or software with which to install the little blighter! smashfreakB.gif

I understand that Microsoft ActiveSync will do a good job of synchronising data between the PDA and the PC it will be attached to, but I haven't got any drivers with which to install the device on the PC in question confused.gif

I've checked on the Dell website and done a little bit of googling but there is no sign at the moment of a dedicated driver release? Can anyone point me in the right direction please?


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Another question for you wonderful techies grin.gif

The PC in question has already got a Palm device set up on it (I am unsure as to exactly which model of Palm as it's not currently in hte office, it's out and about with it's owner!) and therefore has got Palm Desktop, PocketMirror 3.1.7 and HotSync Manager 4.1.0 installed on it...

Will installing MS ActiveSync disrupt this setup at all? The intention is that once the Dell Axim is sucessfully set up, the Palm wil be removed from the system as the Dell will take it's place...

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