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Meets - general questionnaire


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  1. 1. Which one is faster

    • 2000, Ford Mondeo ST24
    • 1998, 106 Rallye
    • 2002, Renalt Clio 178
    • 1992, MR2 Turbo (import)

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Just a quick thought, I'm not convinced that many many small meets is the way forward. I think there's more value in fewer, larger meets that have regular attendances.

Its easy to get 10+ people to a meet but a lot harder to get 10+ every month - and that's a responsibility that needs upholding once a meet is started.

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Just a quick thought, I'm not convinced that many many small meets is the way forward. I think there's more value in fewer, larger meets that have regular attendances.

Its easy to get 10+ people to a meet but a lot harder to get 10+ every month - and that's a responsibility that needs upholding once a meet is started.

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I couldn't agree more - hence my frustration at the moment. I tried back in January to establish a regular Scottish meet, as I think the Windsor model is very strong. Look at how good the regular attendance is - and look at how many of you are actually good friends.

I guess these things need time to grow - and the big 'event' meets (A4 / Cab meet, NE / Scotland meet) help to kick start the process. That's why I would love to see more Scottish members in Berwick in 2 weeks time 169144-ok.gif

Is there going to be another Buxton this year? September would suit me tongue.gifyelrotflmao.gif

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Still trying to get a cambridge-based meet off the ground. It was deemed too close to Colchester and MK - but it's not THAT close..... smashfreakB.gif

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Cambridge is 45 miles from Chelmsford Meet and 40 miles from Milton Keynes meet.

I travel 40 miles to Chelmsford meet, 35 miles to Windsor each month and 65 miles to Milton Keynes, so you're not that far from the existing meets.

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100 miles to a meet, no way!

The 'annual' meet in Berwick will see most Northeast/Scotland TSN-er's do about 60 miles to the venue and say another 25 on a run followed by the 60 back. Our Northwestern friends will do much more than that, and all credit to them for it.

I did the MK meets when I was in Northampton, but I'd never normally consider doing 50 miles to a monthly meet, never mind 100.

A National Meet is always something I've found appealing, but with a heavy concentration of people in the South I think it'd have to be a location in the South Midlands that would then lead to very few Northeast/Scotland/Northwest members making the trip.

Strictly speaking (geographically), a true National Meet would be in the Lake District area, but that's never going to happen because you have to consider where people are.

I'd still make the trip for a National Meet if it wasn't any further than, say, Peterborough/Northampton, but that's still a good 3.5 hours on a good day.

Ultimately I agree with Mollox, regional meets on a annual basis seem to be the way forward for decent attendances.

The Northeast Meets on a monthly frequency cater for the regulars and 4/5 people getting together still gives a decent couple of hours of chat. They also serve as nice introduction meets. i.e. they're easy and less daunting for newcomers to meet regulars rather than at a meet of 20+ people where they'll hang about on the edges like a spare part.

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I've done 3 meets now.

First one to Poole [via Bath] worked out at just under 600 miles round trip. The second one was just over 200 miles covered, which was to Rutland and back. The third was the recent one in Poole which was just under 500 miles round trip.

Enjoyed all of them 169144-ok.gif

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100 miles to a meet, no way!

The 'annual' meet in Berwick will see most Northeast/Scotland TSN-er's do about 60 miles to the venue and say another 25 on a run followed by the 60 back. Our Northwestern friends will do much more than that, and all credit to them for it.

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Pah! Some of us have just done 1000 miles to the annual A4 meet in Dorset. tongue.gif

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The 'annual' meet in Berwick will see most Northeast/Scotland TSN-er's do about 60 miles to the venue and say another 25 on a run followed by the 60 back.

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With the 40 to get through to Edinburgh, it's more likely to be about 100 miles or so each way, plush whatever we do on the run.

I will certainly use an entire tank of fuel grin.gif

I certainly wouldn't put a mileage limit on attending meets, although there are time and cost constraints. if the A4 / Cab meet hadn't been two weeks after Le Mans then I would probably have made a long weekend out of it, as it stands LM costs a bit in time and money grin.gif

LM is a good example. Essentially it's a TSN event meet - 2000 miles from up here. Likewise a proper national TSn meet. With enough notice, I would take the time off and make the 4 hour drive or so to the Midlands...

Meets are a valuable extension of the forum. Meeting other users, and building real life relationships / frienships are what help to generate the feeling of community. IMO, it one of the areas in which TSN is so strong, which in turn, is because of the amount of regular meets that many of us attend 169144-ok.gif

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... not taking my car to Pompy!)

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Hey, I kept my car in Pompey for the two years I was down there. For the first year it spent most of its time parked in a bus layby in Southsea Terrace, on the edge of Southsea Common. I never had any problems whatsoever! The second year it was parked in St Davids Road, just off Victoria Road.

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... not taking my car to Pompy!)

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Hey, I kept my car in Pompey for the two years I was down there. For the first year it spent most of its time parked in a bus layby in Southsea Terrace, on the edge of Southsea Common. I never had any problems whatsoever! The second year it was parked in St Davids Road, just off Victoria Road.

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I was on a side road off of Queens Street last year with my Fiesta, it got hit 4 times in total, once on the drivers door leaving a big dent and scrape, scrapes on both bumpers and had someone take a wing mirror off in Asda car park.

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Yeah I don't blame you not bringing it, I was paronoid with the Polo when I had it, but thankfully nothing happend to it (parking 1 minute from the football ground 2!)

Mini's haven't been so fortunate, 1 having lost a wing mirror thanks to some oiks foot!!!!

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