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Hi All,

I've orderd my 5 door, reflex Silver, manual GTI earlier this month, but I can't wait to drive it. It will take about three months for the car to arrive.

The problem is that I have exams at the University and all what I'm thinking about is my new GTI. Can someone blame me!!!

I'd rather be examed about the car..

I used to have a 2002, 3door V5 2.3L manual, Yellow golf which was driving nicely until I lost it in an accident, which thank god it wasen't my fault.

Those who drive the manual GTI, what do you think of the car?

Thanks all.

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Students drive Minis or Beetles or whatever cost £100 or less!!

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unless your old mans an oil baron! beerchug.gif

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Ahh yes, my mate went to Uni in Glasgow with one of those. Apparently his Dad was mega rich from Oil based in Aberdeen and he wasn't shy of a £ or two either.


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was quite lucky as most were company cars so they were all weeks old when i got my grips on them - had rangey for nearly a year (full 4.0 SE with leather etc - not the latest shape but the one before), the E300TD for 9 months was great fun (double airbed in boot wink.gif) and was really quick and fun to drive (hence my 3pts) and the 328 was only for about a month before i took it back to leeds and it got stolen from olds house (broke in while they were sleeping for keys). Finally he Aclass was my piece of junk that died many times and nearly put me 6 feet under on many occasions (suspension failures and was taken off road 3 times for being dangerous - so much so dealers pushed it into the service bay!!).

The Maccy D's run in a rangey with a private plate was fun - quite amusing seeing loads of grubby students bailing out of a black rangey with tints outside MacD's.

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uh oh, I feel one of Red's novels coming our way.... tongue.gif

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Not today - flute practice wink.gif

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....Wrong! I had another 132 miles driving practice! Drove up to Corsham, Wiltshire to lunch with my accountant (good friend) and just glimpsed a black Mk5 GTI travelling other way in twisties and heavy rain spray somewhere near Bradford-On-Avon....TSN member? Couldn't even tell if guy/gal.

....Anything wrong with my "novels" then?! openfire.gif

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Thanks for good replys.

And for those who have a problem with the idea of a student driving a GTI, I want to bring your attention to that studying at the University does not mean that I'm not making money make money does it!! I might be doing my PHD or MBA, although I'm not, but will soon, I'm only 22.5 years old and please no comments on my age. I'm a successful investor and I own the largest golf shop in town here in Bahrain and I'm married, means I'm working hard. Does a GTI sound to much for all what I'm doing. I don't think so, for all the responsibilities I have, I think I deserve having fun driving my GTI.

sorry, but I disagree with the comments on the student part.

Best regards,

Silver GTI,


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just fecking jealous as i would have loved to have had my gti while i was at uni... then thinking about it i wish i had always had it since my first forays into the motoring world at the age of 12... (except when i had my first prang at 14 - golf into disco)

own a golf shop and a golf wink.gif

Enjoy the car mate!

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