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wing mirror glass


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right this is a 100% pain and onyl an issue with one side of the car, the glass looks spotless.. BUT if its raining , damp and dark the glass is foggy and like its engrained with waterspots so i cant see though it... what do i try and clean it with cos im having to look over my shoulder on the motoway all the time cos i dont trust it !

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'0000' grade wire wool and autoglym glass polish will do the trick nicely. Oh and don't get any on the wing ;-)

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Just be aware that they may have a tint added to them, which #0000 snythetic wool may remove, perhaps waterspots have got between the tint and the mirror glass?

FWIW- I haven't heard that term (wing mirrors) used in years)

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I would think white vinigar would do the trick, if not, then try a toilet cleaner as these have lime scale removers in them. Don't geet it on the paint tho!

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Or something like 'Cillit Bang' - that stuff eats limescale! Spray it on a cloth first so as to avoid getting any on the paintwork.

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Dude, I still call 'em wing mirrors, even though the last car I had with them on was a Morris Traveller. What does everyone else call them? Door mirrors?

And as for the cleaning, try some clay bar first and Autoglym glass polish - it is mildly abrasive. You could also try tar and bug remover, in case it is solvent based staining?

Hope you sort it (wing mirrors rule 169144-ok.gif)

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