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supaguard questions,


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had supaguard applied by dealer on my new car. am wondering if theve done it properly

1, does supaguard mean you dont have to wax the car for 3 yrs?

2, went to france recently and when i got back i had loads of flies stuck to bonnet. had real trouble getting them off and they seemed to leave marks on paintwork. does this mean the car hasnt been supaguarded properly? if so how should i complain or how can i test to see if theve applied it at all. also i applied merr after this and the next time i cleaned the flies and dirt off it came off no problem. what should i do?

if i do need to wax it what is the best (but not stupidly expensive) wax to buy...fiancee wants to get me some for x mas. smile.gif

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Flies should easily come off with supaguard. Were they left on for some time or was it not too long after the journey finished that you removed them.

Sadly I'm not sure how to test that the whole car has had the supaguard treatment.

If you have to wax it then Collinite 845 gets my vote.

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^^TBH Clean image is the expert on supaguard on here but..... and whilst I have 'trouble' accepting its mega year claims I have absolutly no doubt it will last a year so if its not beading in a just waxed way after a week then I seriously doubt they applied it at all. Even if not applied propelry it would give more than a weeks worth of protection.

A trip back to the stealer who sold it on ebay me thinks smile.gif

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