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Should I care?  

  1. 1. Should I care?

    • Yes
    • Not with the way he's acting

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Blimey, let's all calm down (except me who's typing frantically as I'm supposed to be somewhere else now!).

OK, so as a mod of this site, I have some thoughts. Thoughts that are shared by a number of mods and clearly a number of users. There's nothing malicious in that, they're not even negative as I hope you'll understand. The essence of the thoughts are that the GTi forum contains lots of non-GTi specific content. That's no capital crime, however, TSN is very much a give/take community and so certain things under discussion in here would be of benefit to the greater community as a whole.

More importantly, and here's the great irony, its GTi owners who are missing out on responses/facts/opinions by not sharing their questions/queries with the wider TSN userbase.

I'll give you an example: chipping. Robin I think you posted some (don't take offense please) very basic questions about remaps & I did see that you posted it in the tuners section smile.gif

IF you were to keep such a question in here I can pretty much guarantee that you'd get very little in the form of real experience of remapped cars. I don't know if this is because a lot of you joined TSN because of your GTi's or not but I can tell you that there is the most incredible wealth of knowledge and experience of running remapped cars on Tyresmoke that is just there waiting for you all to tap into. In case you didn't know, Tyresmoke was born from a split on another Audi-based forum and I can name over 50 people who have run remapped cars. Many of them have run a number of different remaps from different tuners. Some of them have already spent tens of thousands of pounds at places which some of you might be asking "Does anyone have any experience of X tuning?" for example. That's 50 I can think of. Personally, I've been running my S3 remapped for over 3 years. I've been at the "will it invalidate my warranty?", "what if it goes wrong?", "will I be able to get it serviced ok?", "what about fuel economy?" etc stage years ago and TSN and other forums taught me so much about this sort of thing. Through TSN I have a lot of experience of this sort of thing now and have met or know well a number of tuning companies.

And that's 50 people I can think of. There are hundreds on here - but you wouldn't know it or benefit from it unless the question was asked to these people. Personally I don't read the GTi forum that much so in my case a question in there that I could answer in my sleep I wouldn't be able to help on.

Honestly, TSN is one of the best Case Studies for Remapping and engine tuning you will find anywhere. I wish we could collate and make better use of all the knowledge we have here. Maybe some day soon wink.gif Use the search function and I guarantee you - its been covered on here in immense detail countless times. You don't often have to reinvent the wheel smile.gif The same applies for cleaning, ICE, SatNav etc etc 169144-ok.gif

That's the way TSN has been set up - we have sections for model-specific information and then other generic sections where generic matters are (honestly) best answered. And I guarantee you that's one of the reasons that makes TSN so good.

Of course, we can't force you to post what and where someone tells you but, please consider it from another point of view: you're all settled into TSN, you all clearly like it judging by the post rate and that really is great. But also spare a thought for the thousands of people that find TSN through Google etc - they might not want to join but they want to find information. Having the site clearly set up and content appropriately located will not only help them find what they want faster but also encourage them to join and grow the community further. And that's good for everyone and just a little, tiny example of how you can put something back into this incredible motoring monster that we've created smile.gif

I have to say also, I genuinely, genuinely have to ask how anyone can say that having cleaning or ICE stuff in here is 'better'? wink.gif

Cleaning for example, as much as you all love it, the GTi is, after all a painted car lol. Now, without repeating what I said re tuning, if you want to have discussions about product X vs product y or process a vs process b then great. But it should be pointed out that the dedicated cleaning forum is visited not only by the most avid of TSN buffers and waxers but also a number of the very best valeters and car cleaning suppliers in the UK. They simply don't have time to trawl every model-specific forum to see if they can offer expert advice. Questions in the cleaning forum get answered almost instantly and, without wishing to sound condescending, you'll get a better quality of response in there simply because of the number of experts and very experienced people around smile.gif

Similarly Ipod installations (a quoted example). I don't have one but I don't understand how anything can be that unique to the GTi. TSNers have been popping ipods into their cars for years. You think it, they've done it.

I wrote a brief FAQ and beginner's guide to TomTom Go's and plan on expanding that significantly. Should I not bother because people are going to be asking really basic Q's in here that I've (or others) have already covered because you guys are offended that its suggested you have a look in there and instead ask the same Q's here? That's not very fair frown.gif

Again, no one's imploring you to do anything. I think the idea that's been put across is that there's so much out there where you can help the rest of the community and, even more so, where the community can help you. That is the spirit of this site. Its not run for profit, you aren't asked to pay for any of it, its a For-Joy organisation and it would be great if, even occasionally (and I know many of you do), you guys could pitch in with the general joyfest smile.gif Having the opposite where resistance builds at the very suggestion is just plain sad.

Finally, this forum is really, really lightly moderated, and that's the way we like TSN. But it would be cool if the mods could make this suggestion and you guys at least give it a go. You might even like it tongue.gif The site is run very discreetly but I can assure you its no coincidence that you all found the site so easily, its no coincidence just how fast the GTi forum, or indeed the rest of Tyresmoke has grown in 3 years. Of course, much of that is down to you, the users bowdown.gif but there's also some very clever forum design and google-mastery that got many of you here in the first place. Tyresmoke has been designed quite simply to be as user-friendly, as useful as possible, to make it grow quickly and to encourage others to join up just like you have.

If there's an occasional pointer, please don't bite our fingers off - we might just know what we're doing wink.gif169144-ok.gif If the idea was really to have a GTi Cleaning Forum, a GTi Ipod forum, they'd be here. Of course we could start moving posts like maniacs but you'd all get really pissed off. Instead we chose to talk with you about it 169144-ok.gif

Now, lets Joy this up. I'm now officially very late you feckers wink.gif

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Thanks to your long post Mollox I now better understand much more about TSN and its benefits. That line defining where to best post can sometimes get fat and blurred but at least, I for one, am more aware of it. My tendency will tend to be what I have done with the Re-mapping topic I started before all this confrontation began and sometimes post a link in this GTI forum if I think it may be of interest to GTI drivers. I won't always get it right though.

Many Thanks,

Robin aka RedRobin who sometimes sees red FIREdevil.gif

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Sorry guys! I'm sure that MrMe and Me could have gone the full distance but Ref Mollox stepped in. Stirred us all up though didn't it! I won't be looking for such confrontations again but I won't promise that I'll always turn the other cheek. Red isn't my favourite colour for no reason.

169144-ok.gif Robin

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Quezzie for Mister Moderator Mollox....

In my efforts to do the right thing, I have now posted the same topic "Abt's iS-technology" in several other forums....GTI, VW Technical, Audi A3/S3, because I thought them relevant to all....Am I overdoing it?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes mate.

General stuff for all cars goes in the general forums... e.g. general cars.

If its VW only, you've got VW chat and technical forums... etc, etc


Each forum on the main index has a little description to help you decide where to put stuff too. 169144-ok.gif

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