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New Passat 2.0 TDI MPG..


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Couple of guys at work have the 2.0l tdi passats - they get an average of 40mpg (3 people on these cars 55 reg to 07 reg). Real life range of about 550miles. 45-47mpg equates to around 650miles before fuel warning light comes on!!!

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  • 7 months later...
Anyone on here have one of these if so what mpg are you getting,i have a mkv golf and im thinking of changing it to the new passat,just need a bit more space..But the miles i do i need something that will also give me decent mpg.

Hi I ran the 110TDI for about 3 years and found the fuel consumption more than impressive. I averaged 58mpg. On long runs without much stopping I could regularly achieve 65mpg no problem. A real joy to drive other than once filling with petrol.[expensive mistake].

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  • 3 months later...

A lot depends on when you're doing your journey. If you start out at 6.00 am and it's cold, the fuel consumption takes at least 10 miles to get above 40 just pootling through the lanes. I've had my Passat (TDI 130 4Motion) for six years now and the daily fuel consumption for the 25 mile journey to work (mixed country lanes and motorway) has always been 43.9 mpg. I've had some fluke runs where the computer claimed 50 mpg but I've always had to put 26 to 30 litres of fuel in per week, depending on weekend duties at the supermarket and DIY, etc. My car actually does the best of all the people I know at work except for my wife's Golf V GT which can manage an astounding 53 on warm days. Take it out in the cold and it plummets to 46mpg. The computer is great for highlighting heavy footedness but that's all. Of far more use would be a linear fuel guage that means half full when it indicates half full. I bet VW don't have any problems with that either. Ha!

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