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Purchasing Advice


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After making a decison to keep my B6 A4 Avant for a while, i want to get hold of VAG-COM incase any faults appear / routinely ensure it is running correctly etc. I might even go to the extent of doing my own servicing on it, becuase i enjoy it! Can i use thie VAG-COM to reset my Variable Service indicator if i go down this route?

Have had a good read through the Ross-Tech site, but there seems to be no mentionsed support for the 1.9 TDi (mine is a B6 130PD). Is this the case? Does anyone know if it works ok on European Market TDi's??

I would prbably go for purchasing the USB interface (non-professional) for $249 with the VAG-COM license - is this the way to go (will be upgrading my laptop in January and i dont think it will have a Serial Port)?

Also, i will very likely be staying within the VAG line-up when i do come to change my car (possibly an VW Toerag...), so will this be compatable with that (again, the TDi engines....)

Any help will be much appreciated, as i will probably ask the wife for this for my Birthday next year! grin.gif And $250 isnt a drop in the ocean if i get it wrong.....

Thanks in advance TSN knowledge base!!! grin.gif169144-ok.gif

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if you want future proofing , consider the Canbus official Vagcom lead.

Newer vehicles have this newer protocol to comunicate to ECU's

Dealing with ross-tech direct is a doddle. Ive bought one via credit card, and one via paypal.

They are also good when it comes to shipping value, if you ask nicely. wink.gif

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I've got a B6 S4 and used to use the HEX-COM lead with VAG-COM beta 5.10. That does everything on a B6, but since I need to have a lead that works on B7 A4's as well I've upgraded to the HEX-COM+CAN lead.

If your new laptop doesn't have a serial port then go for either the HEX-USB or HEX-USB+CAN lead - don't use USB to serial converters, Ross-Tech have had lots of problems with them.

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I have lead from SK. It came with a USB/ Serial converter. Never had any problem with the lead connecting to pc etc.

I think the SK 169144-ok.gif option is best, not a great deal cheaper than Ross Tech for the best leads, i couldn't see the point in buying a cheaper lead and not being able to use it when i upgrade my car.

SK was available via this forum for advice when i didn't connect it up correctly to start with smile.gif in all the excitment i forgot to read the instructions!! grin.gif

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