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Hi people,

I got this cable some 2 month ago off e-bay.co.uk and didn't get it to work yet. I can connect the cable to the laptop and all works fine up to when I stick the interface into the car's socket. When I plug in the interface the LED goes off and if I try to connect the laptop(vag-com software) to the car is telling me that there is no cable connected to the car's socket.

Any ideas?? Cheers!

*Merry Christmas!!!*

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sportifs2.gifDOH...! Sorry! As I said I got it off e-bay at about £25 and it came from Hong-Kong. On it has a sticker with millisi.net on it. A USB cable came with the interface. Now the LED comes up as soon as I connect the interface to the laptop and all the vag-com(software) tests seem to be O.K. but as soon as I plug the interface into the car's socket the LED goes off. I tested the LED status with vag-com finds no problem. If I try any diagnostics, it keeps telling me that vag-com can't connect to the car's socket or something like that.

Am I doing something wrong?


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On mine i have to plug the lead in and make sure windows has detected the lead correctly, then open the software, then plug in to the port on the car.

Mine always works that way. Its a USB lead from SK Pang, works great if i do it in the correct way, i am guessing mine plays up as it has a serial to USB convertor (supplied by SK) and these can be tricky.

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