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Hello, i was driving to work today (vw golf gt tdi) and a warning message came up saying ABS fault and now its got a symbol lit up on the dash. The car was squeeking for a while when i turned left as if something was catching. This only happened after the car was stationary for 2 weeks when i was on holiday in july. If it is just the brakes catching on the discs or something like that would the warning message come up or would it definatley be something wrong with ABS? As you can imagine im quite worried that im gonna have to fork out hundreds of pounds..

Sorry but i dont have a scooby doo

cheers, nicola

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hi, im near stansted airport, Braintree to be exact... Yeah its been squeeking since july and the light came on the other day with a message saying ABS fault. So when you plug the VAG-COM into my car, what will happen? will it tell you where the fault is? Whats the point of it if i already know that the fault is with the ABS or does this system give more details as to what is exactly wrong with it? Well if i could meet with someone that would be great...

thanks nicola

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There's no guarantees it will tell us the problem but it normally will. Fingers crossed it will be a precise error message but to be honest you're more than likely to get something line "intermittent ABS fault".

The choice is yours. We can try and it will cost you a little bit of fuel to get over to me or take it to a dealer for them to resolve it which you may have to anyway.

I'm no expert but I have the software. We can post if up on here to get further advice if it's not clear.

Anyway the offer's there if you want to make use of it.

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Once you have a fault code readout with VAG-COM, you can then follow a diagnostic procedure which is suggested in ELSA. Sometimes these procedures are helpful, sometimes not!

The other possibility is to post the diagnostics readout up on the VAG-COM mailing list - many people on there have 'real world' experience.

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