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Turbo Troubles


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I had a problem with the air box main hose to turbo - after talking to a trusted Seat technician at my local dealer he mentioned that they have had problems with the hose clip being too small and therefore too tight at the turbo end. This results in the clip cutting clean through the hose. Starts as a split at first then parts company totally. This leaves the turbo intake open to the elements and unfiltered air and crap. EEK2.GIF getting in. I reported to the dealer who is ordering parts for fitting under warranty and reattached the shortened hose with a larger jubilee clip as a temp fix - preferable to sucking up nasties and causing who knows what damage.

If out of warranty I think I might fit after market silicon performance hoses though they arent cheap at £104 for the intake hose mentioned above and £123 for the turbo hoses (pair) plus vat. frown.gif

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