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Laptop troubles


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I think this may be battery related but here goes:

My Toshibal laptop runs ok for about 45 mins on mains power but then the fan starts to run really, really fast, much more than normal. Does this about five or six times and then then it switches off without warning. Re-boots fine but its starting to get on my teets mad.gif

Seems ok when on battery, but I notice the battery life seems to be a lot shorter since the problem has started.

Looked at system restore to see if there is any rogue av program, but I seem to have no restore points set, doh!! smashfreakB.gif

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The laptop threw a bit of a wobbly the other day which is when the problem started. Any how, checked through the power settings and these were totally screwed!

Changed these back to normal and it seems to be better.

I reckon the battery is knackered though as it takes ages to charge and then doesn't hold the charge for long 169144-ok.gif

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It seems to have settled down now. I did find out though that it will quite happily run on the mains without the battery!!! smashfreakB.gif

Computers eh? Pain in the arse sportifs2.gif

As to why it crashed and threw a wobbly in the first place, God only knows!

so if anyone else is having power problems - check your settings first 169144-ok.gif

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