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Advice on timing of selling...


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Once my car arrives at the dealer how long before I can pick it up? I ask this because I'm going to try and sell my current MkIV Golf 1.6 privately (the dealer has offered me a guaranteed amount but I was hoping for more...) and would like to know how long I have to sell it (I obviously want my GTI as soon as I can get it even if it means taking the offered amount). Or should I advertise it before my GTI even arrives?

I think I can get at least £500 more with a private sale and if it came to it I could hire a car for a week or so and still be better off. (I have a 60 mile commute so need something...)

Or is this just too much fannying around?

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Leman you're probably right mate... actually I tried the same thing last time and ended up wasting around £150 (on autotrader and one of those "we've got people lined up waiting to buy your car..." bollox) and in the end just took the stealers offer.

BUT it would have been nice to be able to tell the stealer where to stick his offer the_finger.gif

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I nearly gave myself a mental hermia trying to figure when to sell. Spoke to 2 stealers originally (trading in an Audi A3), one insulted me with the trade-in price and the other offered me £2K more but wanted the car within 2 days. So I ended up carless just to make the £2K. Spent £1K on a diesel banger (which is driving beautifully), and have been waiting 5 months now.

My advice? Stick with the stealer but remember its not a trade-in its a SALE ... !

Speaking of stealers .... originally my missus was going to buy the GTI, went to a big dealer in the Surrey area and arranged a test-drive with 2 weeks notice. Turned up on the day, stealer is 'busy' with another customer. Wife is 4 months pregnant, they ask her to wait. Basically this goes on for a bit, every few minutes some show-room grunt wanders over and explains the stealer is busy. Wife constantly going back and forth to the bathroom, chatting, suddenly realise just under one and a half hours have gone by. Wife (hormones) goes ballistic, storms out the door with me about 20 feet behind laughing. Head stealer runs after her and drags her back, however pregnant woman not easy to argue with, she gives the "... I'd never buy anything from this place / how dare you / what kind of shoddy garage leaves a pregnant woman waiting ...". Whole place is watching, she storms off. Fantastic! D'you know, they NEVER phoned to even find out what happened.

A nice dealer in Hampshire got the order ....

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I was lucky....the dealer got my GTI in two months early so it was saturday night when I printed out something on word and posted it on various windows in my old car..monday got one call,came to see it tuesday ,kissed it bye bye on the tuesday night then picked up one shiny little GTI on wednesday dinner.....£900 better off.....It most defo PI$$ED the dealer off,but there was nothing he could do about it.......


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have been waiting 5 months now...

Wife is 4 months pregnant, they ask her to wait

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hmmm, 2 + 2 makes 9 months fresco! crazy.gifcool.gif

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You got it, was on-line whinging about the stealer literally after the birth ... ! Baby boy born Thursday last ...

Got in trouble with my mate in NZ sending a photo marked "My new baby" - photo of MKV at dealers, not the baby ... no pleasing some people.

Think I'll be on TSN more during the night coffee.gifthan day ZZZ.gifover the next few months ...

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