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Not A happy bunny


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Picked up the CTr Friday evening, drove home well chuffed. No real thrashing just a nice get to know you drive.

gets up saturday starts her and engine light is on, and she's missing. Whilst driving the light stays on, at idle its flashes. confused.gif took her back and i hope its nothing serious frown.gif till its sorted i have a nice little jazz smirk.gif. got how bloody disapointing. Anyone have any ideas as to what might be wrong? its only got 200 miles on it. i know its under warranty and within 30 days return policy but i love it and just want an idea as to what might be the problem. cheers

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Tell them to feck off and get another one mate. You might have a "Friday" car smashfreakB.gif

Hondas are normally bullet proof smashfreakB.gif

Could be anything from a dodgy ECU, fuel injectors, Coils or even worse could be a fault with the block or head smashfreakB.gif

Reject it... insist they give you a CTR in the meantime, and get a new one from them, with some extra goodies thrown in as standard 169144-ok.gif

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Update, engine valves are stiff in the head and won't open or shut correctly, so they say. Engine strip....

my response

shove it, i will not have a car that i have just purchased , have its engine stripped.

they say they can't find me a replacement, long look he had at least 2 mins.

i am going to go ballistic FIREdevil.gif i will not be fobbed off with excuses, they sold me a pile of mechanical crap, all i want is a ctr that does what its supposed to. what do i do first???

ps i am not a patient person sportifs2.gif

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I had a CTR for 18 months and it was fantastic I think it was just bad luck on your part, mine never gave me any problems and I drove it hard!!

They do drink like a fish - expect aroung 25ish mpg - and they eat front tyres , I got through 3 sets (front) in 18500 miles

Enjoy your new one and remember - you will want to drive it like you stole it!!!

Good luck

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