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OK! I knew the G.T.I. was good..BUT THIS!!!


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Tell ya what, I used to think Billy Connolly was funny.

Then I found that Dave Allen could be hilarious on his day.

Peter Kaye had me in stitches with his Live at Bolton stageshow.

Eddie Murphy's stand up is an absolute hoot.

However, all of them, without exception, pale into insignificance compared to the entertainment and side splitting laughter provided by reading the claims of some Golf GTi owners. You should be on a stage. Preferably with a fecking noose around your necks.

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Preferably with a fecking noose around your necks.

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Hmm - noone else going to take exception to this? I don't even have the car yet and I'm offended. The GTI has got a lot of people very excited, and owners are clearly chuffed and delighted with their purchase. Okay maybe some may get a bit carried away with what it can and can't do, is that any reason to say they should be hung? These people are just over the moon with their cars that's all, and good for them.

Stop taking things so seriously.

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Preferably with a fecking noose around your necks.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm - noone else going to take exception to this? I don't even have the car yet and I'm offended. The GTI has got a lot of people very excited, and owners are clearly chuffed and delighted with their purchase. Okay maybe some may get a bit carried away with what it can and can't do, is that any reason to say they should be hung? These people are just over the moon with their cars that's all, and good for them.

Stop taking things so seriously.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fair point - could get offended, but it's all in good spirit and this particular poster just made a fool of himself with his vague attempt at an insult ..

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Preferably with a fecking noose around your necks.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm - noone else going to take exception to this? I don't even have the car yet and I'm offended. The GTI has got a lot of people very excited, and owners are clearly chuffed and delighted with their purchase. Okay maybe some may get a bit carried away with what it can and can't do, is that any reason to say they should be hung? These people are just over the moon with their cars that's all, and good for them.

Stop taking things so seriously.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fair point - could get offended, but it's all in good spirit and this particular poster just made a fool of himself with his vague attempt at an insult ..

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh please, be assured that the only people making fools of themselves (continuously) are the plethora of GTI owners (and the comment was not meant to be generic as I do appreciate not ALL of you are like the originator) who are more blinkered than a horse in the Grand National, make ludicrous claims about the performance of their cars and increasingly talk about 'racing' as if they were the next Michael Schumacher.

When will the rest of you actually set upon putting them right and stopping their ridiculous and nothing less than teenage-style exaggerations that do little but to accelerate the GTi's demise as it transcends into the laughing stock that the Chavic Type R is?

They're a good car, granted, but I for one couldn't abide watching post after post make a fantastic forum look like a junior pedal car section of the Early Learning Centre.

They're ruining it. IMO.

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Preferably with a fecking noose around your necks.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm - noone else going to take exception to this? I don't even have the car yet and I'm offended. The GTI has got a lot of people very excited, and owners are clearly chuffed and delighted with their purchase. Okay maybe some may get a bit carried away with what it can and can't do, is that any reason to say they should be hung? These people are just over the moon with their cars that's all, and good for them.

Stop taking things so seriously.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fair point - could get offended, but it's all in good spirit and this particular poster just made a fool of himself with his vague attempt at an insult ..

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh please, be assured that the only people making fools of themselves (continuously) are the plethora of GTI owners (and the comment was not meant to be generic as I do appreciate not ALL of you are like the originator) who are more blinkered than a horse in the Grand National, make ludicrous claims about the performance of their cars and increasingly talk about 'racing' as if they were the next Michael Schumacher.

When will the rest of you actually set upon putting them right and stopping their ridiculous and nothing less than teenage-style exaggerations that do little but to accelerate the GTi's demise as it transcends into the laughing stock that the Chavic Type R is?

They're a good car, granted, but I for one couldn't abide watching post after post make a fantastic forum look like a junior pedal car section of the Early Learning Centre.

They're ruining it. IMO.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry - juvenile delinquent that I am I nodded off in the middle - what was the point again?


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Way back in the Summer of 2005, when I was in short trousers and only dreaming of GTIs and my first girlfriend, MrMe suddenly appeared in this forum (rather like tonight) and rather abruptly, I thought at the time, posted honestly and exactly what was in his mind. I only read his manner and neither his intentions nor what he was getting at and consequently I went off in a huff and nearly gave up on TSN. However, someone who has met both him and myself PM'd me and suggested I rethink.

When you are as upfront as MrMe is (some may say he's a Northerner who lacks tact or others just someone who calls a spade a spade) you are bound to stir it up initially.

The point of my burbling on is that in my opinion MrMe has a valid point (he invariably does and also contributes hugely to TSN), even if he expresses it seemingly abruptly.

And before any of those wind-up merchants from LoJ chip in and suggest he and I go and get a room, I'll just say no. grin.gif

Anyway, it would be very dull if we all always agreed with each other.

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Absolutely, well said Red.

fresco1 - Could I suggest you perhaps look at a user's post count and maybe even a few of their posts to see what a colossal amount of time and effort they put into TSN before you refer to them as "this particular poster"

MrMe is a TSN legend. Go and find out for yourself, and then wind your neck in.

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They're a good car, granted, but I for one couldn't abide watching post after post make a fantastic forum look like a junior pedal car section of the Early Learning Centre.

They're ruining it. IMO.

[/ QUOTE ]

As in ruining it for you, do you mean?

Like "Word association" you could always just ignore the thread. It'll just get locked anyway if anyone "small" decides to have their say or if it doesn't pass the "Quality" post test. tongue.gif



• noun (pl. forums) 1 a meeting or medium for an exchange of views.

At least according to the OED anyway.

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They're a good car, granted, but I for one couldn't abide watching post after post make a fantastic forum look like a junior pedal car section of the Early Learning Centre.

They're ruining it. IMO.

[/ QUOTE ]

As in ruining it for you, do you mean?

[/ QUOTE ]

I expect so. IMO normally means that.

But he's not alone.

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But he's not alone.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ooh, hang on.... yes If I squint I can just see him. That man standing behind you with a gun to your head, making you read such pointless drivel and then even forcing you to actualy type a reply.... Shocking shocked.gif

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• noun (pl. forums) 1 a meeting or medium for an exchange of views.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's an interesting post Mixit. See, I'd argue that it's precisely what I'm talking about.

These are NOT views. They're total drivel and endless exaggeration purporting nothing but blatant untruths. They're not helpful to anyone, they don't add anything of value, they're just lines of prose that would be best associated with a youth orientated chat room.

What views are there to exchange when someone makes such preposterous claims? There aren't. Well, except views on how an expression of derision may be taken by others.

He's allowed to post whatever he wants, of course he is. However, in doing so we all put ourselves up for a response - be it one we like or we don't.

I don't need you to define forum for me, but I think you should perhaps read my original response again and then tell me that you think you can argue that the originating post contains anything of worth, believeability or post-pubescent integrity at all.

Finally, it's interesting that you think someone agreeing with a particular stance must have a gun held to their head. That, as you seem to be into definition, could perhaps be defined as being blind to the facts?

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Who cares at the end of the day? I'll be perfectly happy with my car, whether or not it will beat an M3 (which it won't) or an S3 (50/50 on that one). But who gives a toss? If I can get from A to B in a rather rapid fashion (which no-one can deny the GTI is capable of) and have fun, then surely it's a win win.

I say time and time again, it's the DRIVER that makes a huge amount of difference. I am quite comfortable in saying that I could take on, and beat, an average driver in an M3 (NOT an average M3 owner wink.gif) by just using a GTI. I am also perfectly happy to state that many TSN members could easily beat me round a track.

At the end of the day I think we all agree that the GTI is a great car, as it does everything well. It's the perfect car for ME, but I am not arrogant enough to think that it's the perfect car for everyone. People have different wants, needs and budgets, so the GTI will not suit everyone.

However, if you want to get into the "I can/did beat this car" then you have to realise several things; you can't pull the other "race" over and say "hey mate, were you really going for it? did you even see me?" Most of the "races" that are won, are won because one driver wasn't really trying wink.gif Also, you have to consider just how hard people are going to push it on public roads. I'd say not very hard! If you get cars onto a track then you'll see a huge difference, as you can exploit the handling/power much more easily. Get the car onto a windy back road and suddenly the differences are less obvious. For instance, you could be sitting in a GTI following a DB9 and thinking "yeah, I'm doing well, he's getting away, but not by much" you'll then look in your rear view mirror and see a 1.1 Saxo and guess what, the driver will be thinking exactly the same...

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I think the biggest problem here, and I'm sure others will agree, is the presence of any kind of "racing" attitude. It's sad and pathetic, and although we all have a bit of TLGP every now and then, we don't have to come on a public forum and make complete tits of ourselves telling everyone about it.

"I'm getting a GTI I just wondered what car's I'll be able to beat." Feck me, are you real? Grow up.

This forum is for driving enthusiasts not boy racers with a bit of money.

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Well I've sat back a few hours and looked at this thread develop. I originally read the original post with some interest. I didn't know Noel drove an A.M. and I certainly wouldn't have had him down for driving it any more than 50mph! However, perhaps Allgolfdup was a little over enthusiastic in his description and perception of the event (which incidently I do believe happened), but the thread could have developed into something more interesting...perhaps others have encountered the rich / famous in nice cars etc. TSN is what we make it. I think it's unfair to disrespect people's opinion. It now seems we've moved on to personally attacking Allgolfdup as an individual incinuating he's an immature boyracer. Just my opinion but I feel this is totally unacceptable. NONO3.GIF ...now moving on! wink.gif

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That's an interesting post Mixit. See, I'd argue that it's precisely what I'm talking about.

These are NOT views. They're total drivel and endless exaggeration purporting nothing but blatant untruths. They're not helpful to anyone, they don't add anything of value, they're just lines of prose that would be best associated with a youth orientated chat room.

What views are there to exchange when someone makes such preposterous claims? There aren't. Well, except views on how an expression of derision may be taken by others.

He's allowed to post whatever he wants, of course he is. However, in doing so we all put ourselves up for a response - be it one we like or we don't.

I don't need you to define forum for me, but I think you should perhaps read my original response again and then tell me that you think you can argue that the originating post contains anything of worth, believeability or post-pubescent integrity at all.

Finally, it's interesting that you think someone agreeing with a particular stance must have a gun held to their head. That, as you seem to be into definition, could perhaps be defined as being blind to the facts?

[/ QUOTE ]


I think you may have missed the point of my responses to both yourself and to JamesB.

I’m not denying that the content of the original post was childish and maybe even a bit provocative. You claimed it was spoiling TSN and my reaction to that was “well maybe it’s spoiling it for you but most of us can just take it with a pinch of salt and move on.

I seem to recall a few posts about the merits of Football banter and it’s place in the LOJ. I personally can’t stand the game, but I have never, ever reacted to anything posted and suggested that its out of place on a car forum. Likewise the childish “racing” stuff would possibly have been better posted in the LOJ, as it was mindless banter.

You said it yourself above “He's allowed to post whatever he wants, of course he is”. It’s called freedom of speech.

If I overhear someone say something in a pub that I believe to be complete bo11ox then I will just ignore it and get on with my pint / life. I appreciate that it would be a very boring world if we all reacted the same, but IMO there is sometimes a little too strong ( sometimes offensive ) a reaction to particular members. ( Like the one below )


Preferably with a fecking noose around your necks.

[/ QUOTE ]

My point about the gun to the head ( JamesB ) was the simple fact that nobody is forced to read anything on hear if they don't wish to. It reminds me of the comments aimed at the "Word association" thread.

I posted that as a reaction to a since deleted thread about the "apparent" decline of Tyresmoke and the lack of fun in general.

OK it wasn't exactly Einstein material but it was thought of, albeit very quickly as a way to return a little "Joy" and stupid fun to an otherwise solemn period on TSN.

IMO the deleting of that particular thread and the locking of other such “inquisitive” posts has proved that there is too much "Censorship" here at the moment and if we start drawing thicker lines as to what’s acceptable and what isn't then that will only serve to make people pull away and not post at all.

But then maybe some would prefer an elitist clique. confused.gif.............. Now where's my Cigar and FT? tongue.gif

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Hmmm....Let's all just give each other the benefit of any doubt on this subject and move on. We all know how easy it is to misinterpret written words. I will say that it's very good that people are calmly discussing this rather than hurling personal insults.


Robin aka RedRobin

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