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Ugly car post

Calm Chris

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I'm sorry if I've upset you Chris, but I didn't insult your choice of car! The back looks fantastic and the sides look ok on the 6. But to me the front just does not sit right with me with it's wide body.

It's a bit like the facelift 156, hated it on that narrow body, yet on the 166 it works fine as it's a bit wider so it carroes it better.

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I'm sorry if I've upset you Chris, but I didn't insult your choice of car! The back looks fantastic and the sides look ok on the 6.

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No, you've not upset me. I've heard them all anyway. I'm a firm believer in buying a car that you love, whether your next door neighbour, the bloke up the road or your Auntie on the other side of the world likes it or not.

I do think there is a BMW deserving of the award though, and it's not the 1-series that I happen to think is a cracking looking car.

It's the X3. It is sooooo badly proportioned, sooooo badly sculpted and sooooooo unpretty that I think it borders on disgustingly ugly.

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Agree with the posts about the Scorpio and the Fiat Multipla (notice how they made the new version more sensible and normal?)

Not keen on the new 3 Series at all, I mean its a BMW but for some reason I think it looks like it was designed by Daewoo. Sorry just my opinion, just prefer the previous shape.

Was in Hong Kong a few months ago and those damn pesky Nissan Qube things were all over the place. It made the old boxy Fiat Pandas look like it had some shape.

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I've always found this quite hard to stomach, especially from the front - the original Lexus LS. I have to walk past one every day on the way to work...


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[anorak]Actually, this is an original LS...



It did go a bit wrong with the LS430...

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Stand corrected 169144-ok.gif

That's not quite as awful as the one I posted. Flush.gif

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The new LS is a big improvement if the pics are anything to go by. Looking forward to seeing it in the flesh.

I never thought the Fiat Multipla was ugly, btw. Different yes, very. But not ugly. I was disappointed when Fiat chickened out with the mk2 - it's not as if they've sold thousands more of them is it?!

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I love the copen - I think its a little funky K-car, and depite it being the girliest thing ever, i would be tempted by it.

Now the ugly car I HATE would have to be this: the FSO polonez. in Poland these things are a plague, and I despise them, and the communist ideals they represent.


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