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MK 5 owners. If you were ordering again......


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I've found it a lot easier to shift it into S approaching roundabouts. That way I get good engine braking, its ready for a quick nip on and it doesn't wrong gear me too high half way through. Yes, S is frantic on a new car but it mellows with use whereas D starts and remains an uninspiring wimp mode.

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I've found it a lot easier to shift it into S approaching roundabouts. That way I get good engine braking, its ready for a quick nip on and it doesn't wrong gear me too high half way through. Yes, S is frantic on a new car but it mellows with use whereas D starts and remains an uninspiring wimp mode.

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funny you should mention this - ive started doing exactly the same - the only time i use D is motorway and in traffic.

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Will you be putting the new amp umder the seat as well?

I'd be interested in seeing some pics when job done!

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at the moment the plan is to mount it on the back of the rear seat (40% split) but it may be possible to hide it under the boot floor. Not sure if heat will be an issue.

new amp is too big to fit under either seat unfortunately.

hoping that the installers can photo the job in progress and will post up pics when done.


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When you use S do you also use the paddles to change up as from memory of my TD it would just hold the lowest gear it could ?

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it seems to depend on how much throttle you are giving it - if you are accelarating gently it will rev to about 5k then change up. if you are accelarating quite hard it will hold the gear to 7kish.

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