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Why do they try?


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Wow - how many new posts in here! Jesus wept! shocked.gif

I've missed it all. frown.gif

Anyway, the thing I still don't get is why anyone would have so much praise and seeming invincible adulation for an Evo VI that they'd chop it in for a mid-range Audi A4 - and then criticise it saying that many of interior materials were crap. Why? Just why? That may be a plausible explanation for it, but as it is a car that (correct me if I'm wrong) Simon hasn't taken possession of yet, surely it's not a good sign to be saying it is crap beforehand!

On another note. Just how much cheaper would the insurance be? Taking an Evo of a good few years old (which it appears to be) and comparing it with a new A4 you'll see a big trade off in the group of the car against the increased value of the new one, so how could it be buttons to insure in comparison?

There seems to be so much anti-German-car sentiment that the whole scenario just seems rather strange! confused.gif

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Is it that obvious I'm bored at Uni?

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Go to the SU for gods sake. Should be open now, its past 11.

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That's a problem as -

a)I'm driving and

b)I've only just started researching for a long exam on Thursday. crazy.gif

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Is it that obvious I'm bored at Uni?

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Go to the SU for gods sake. Should be open now, its past 11.

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That's a problem as -

a)I'm driving and

b)I've only just started researching for a long exam on Thursday. crazy.gif

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You have my sympathies.

Although you have reminded me of my Uni days. Maybe I should do a PHD crazy.gif

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Why would anyone who has a car trying get past them deliberatly hold them up surely just let them past?

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Because I had no-where to go couldn't pull over the inside lanes were busy,this guy just wanted to muscle his way past,he didn't just do it to me.

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I had no-where to go couldn't pull over the inside lanes were busy...

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Which makes me wonder how he managed to undertake you! confused.gif

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As soon as a gap became available we indicated to move across but this twat couldn't wait undertook at high speed then almost run us off the road! suicide.gif

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Been forced to rethink my opinions...

Today, an Evo driver kindly slowed down and waved me out of a junction even though traffic was still moving and there wasn't anyone behind him. Yesterday on the way home it was an Impreza driver who was acting like a twat. It was pouring with rain, going uphill towards a red light, fair amount of traffic around so after I left a roundabout I was doing about 25mph along the next short straight. He was slowly catching up in the lane next to me, waited until his front wheel was level with my rear then nailed it. He then had to brake sharply by the time his rear wheel was level with my front because we were at the traffic lights and the cars in front of him had stopped. I was in the right hand lane waiting to turn right so his lane started moving first and again he let the car in front build up 2 cars length lead then nailed it as he pulled level with me, only to have to brake hard again to avoid the car in front. Why? smashfreakB.gif

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