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Swirl tastic


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Have noticed a couple of times recently when caught at the right angle and in bright sunlight my Moro cab is quite badly swirled all over. I would guess by the look of it the valet at the dealer I got it from caused it when it was prepared for me to pick it up. Its definately been caused by a rotary buffer. The dealer is up the other end of the country so taking it back is not an option...

Anyone know of any good valeters in the Dorset area that would be able to sort this? I would guess its going to need a mild cutting paste to sort this so I'm not even going to consider doing it myself. sportifs2.gif

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Id suggest either getting the car machien polished, either buy yourself a Porter Cable or get a pro to give it the once over. The other alternative is to keep cleaning with a product with lots of fillers. Megs NXT and Clearkote Vanilla Moose hand glaze are both good products to fill swirls.

By hand you may be able to improve things with somthing like the Sonus hand polish bundle or meguiars Scratch X.

cheers Tim

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Cupramax if you sign up to detailingworld there are a few people who can help you in Bournemouth area

Carmad the zaino Z5 is a paint sealant or synthetic wax rather than a polish, it has some filling properties but tbh nothing to even whisper about.

The z2pro is 'exactly' the same a synthetic wax or sealant although offers no 'filling properties'.

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